The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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Page 20 The Buffalo Newsriday July 21 1989 710 Auctions 750 Legals Puzzle Corner cmne oooa cond Win) or Best ZIGGY YOUR HONEST WEIGHT AND A LOT good 730 Lost ound be 694 Video Equipment STE 31 Bard's 710 Auctions Solution: 6 letters DRUG STORES 871 7413 A I RE A answer 7 21 De A 0 SWA A A A AUCTION REAL ESTATE 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A 686 Store Equipment A please CKYPTOQUIP 7 21 L) II I 1 on riday Idly 28 TIIRBRIIKZ II 2:30 Today's Cryploquip clue: I) equals I 740 Personal 1 iw i vou idht aown can aner I PM or weekends 826 3338 THRITIES Your Horoscope Merchandise Items Under SI By SYDNEY OMARR 695 Thrifties 695 Thrifties SLEBS TEESHE BEGINNER'S GUITAR good 69a pwv Word Game By KATHLEEN SAXE TODAY WORD SABOTAGE (SABOTAGE: SAB uh tahj Deliberate subversion) 750 Legals CHARTTR CUTCK Eagie POST mure letters 2 be four or SCHOOL bid forms CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer 2 yrs oid tfiOure Abbott Piz za 1020 Abbott call 825 2628 will bo required to at least twenty per the work with their Kotar Contemoor condition $800 7C40 GAS Stove with yriddie beauti ful condition moving by Aug 1st must sell $40 875 8217 bid forms Room 408 RICHARD PHONE NUMBER CHEST REEZER 1 cu SJOObest offer 649 6094 BAKt RY Bridal Dpcoratmg Equipment for sale in txjlk AUCTION Specialist Since 1935 A Bontrager 716 937 3'193 AAA Goldsmith's Auctions buys outfight or attrhon 675 9600 TREADMILL I Heavier with nutn incline new hardly used $650' otfer 822 0097 A Auction every Wed Sat 7 PM 2150 W'Hiam 896 334? METRO Auto Auction Center Buyers rttarn 8R3 8OQ0 GE built in oven cooktop hood with controls good con dition SIOQ'offer 693 0626 POLK R7A il 6 mos da $700 or best offer Before 5 856 0085 nr n'frr 6 63? bid forms Room 408 GAS Stove 30 in Tappan ol ive good condition can deliv er $80 876 5897 WINCHESTER ore lYM mod el 70 in 270 cahber with 2 8 variable scope Excellent $700 t3? RtU UND11 IGNED TV KOiac? 1286 Broadway 892 6054 LOSE to 30 lbsmo I Safe1 easy affordable 892 9513 OUND emale Cat on July 12 Herkimer Auburn area ill 883 475? or 881 7075 Li Air AdLbon ial JUjX '2 11 AM 826 Point Ave Niag 3'3 aits See Tnurs paper col 710 for details BosEare OUND large dog white with dark spots ri nmht North Tonawanda A81 79R4 pvps COUCH brown and beige piaid like new 590 894 5705 AIRLINE Ticket one wav Buffalo to LAX Aug 15 fe male 550 759 870? AIRLINE ticsel i way Buitmo to Nasnvilie ternate July 27100 684 7Q9? viRLINE UCKET one wav Tampa to Buffalo July 2500 85 1307 681 9515 PILE CABINET 8 drawer torSmx 8m Charts 834 9472 LIMOUSINE Cnaufteured 1988 Lincoln stretch $2850 ner hr Sun Thurs 892 6203 POUND emale beige nog Ju ly 18 Chestnut Ridge Park 896 4218 LOST: keys vicinity oi Bon crest Sheridan Dr Harns Hill 632 0942 BEARCAT scanner tohiiiv pro grammable 40 channel mem cry brand rp 5 1QQ R36 ROCKMAN $90 aigi tal toot dcav $80 Both for $150 832 8076 IREWOOD 18 long 3 vrs Old 6 face cord $95 you pick up 877 6859 More avail! OTT'6 Auchon service Middle POrt NY (716) 735 7392 DB August ticket Buffalo to Chi cago to Seattle July 25 $60 333 6426 NEW USED equipment lease or sell Best prices Call UTS 691 3086 PAiR of Tne New Advent Loud Sneakers Kenwood Model KR 4070 AM Stereo Re ceiver Both mmt condition takes ail 834 1629 Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer as sug gested by the above cartoon CABINET aoove stove single door never used still io box65 832 9138 AIR CONDITIONER GE 6000 BTU 75 amps excellent $135 683 9702 BUICK 1971 SkyiarKi runs good body rusted new parts: $150 839 0259 AQUARIUM 29 gallon com plete set up with stand $150 Call 656 0047 8 YAMmHA PSR aO keyboard 4 mos old $1300: sett S650 ids' rpi! 877 6594 after 3 GAS STOVE Coppertonn ex cellent condition 5150 Call 668 0144 OUND: MulL colored Collie Riverside Blackrock area 8 7 5 2088 MATSON Let's T'k Auction 84? 600 RANK GUI EK Purchasing Agent WOOD Stove older cast iron brown enamel $100 5609 627 3785 Country Store RoDinsor Open 7 gays 434 9411 I ANIHONY a very special favor Sincere Ihnnks CH LOST: mature male black cat Gold eyes Tremaine Ave area Kenmore Reward 876 0410 NaUTILUS Abdominal machine $300 Nautilus back machine $300 627 9712 Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter to each square to form tout ordinary woras WHIRLPOOL refrigerator large 16 tt no frost freezerworks fine $30 877 n859 PROESSIONAL stereo equip ment DJ svstem 668 1913 COLECO VISION with 16 tapes excellent condition $180 firm 881 7090 SEMI Automatic 30 calmer carbine great conditnn $240 Albert 681 0123 IVE used dounotises $2ea 649 8184 units De AUCTION Wed July 26 11 AM See 710 Bronstein ALUMINUM AWNINGS ale $150 897 2726 lAP aluminum 7 tt fits ord vorf bed geed condition $65 a4 1289 CASH Register Sharp electric LR 4230 (2) teletypes 4 slip printer reasonable 881 2579 ROSANNI RANDINA PE Director of Development COUCH 8 Ioveseat earfn Jones good condition $120 for both 877 0661 hiRLINE TickeL 1 way Buffalo 'o Phoenix male Juiv 25 $100 Call 965 2564 CALL Dick Morris buy 6 sell BAR STOOLS Tables chairs H3SS rnminnrtt 8 6 3 4 8 1 ElG JOHN Sells or Less Or B''s 155 Chandler 874 9287 BOOTHS 4 LOUNGES We build 1 anv size and siyleJav's 1726 Niagara 876 8854 By JO OUELLET 700cM ANNOUNCE MEVTS Average1 mark 24 words Time limit 4(1 minutes nt eas some ADMIRAL Upright reezer: white excellent condition $125 627 9201 POOL TABLES 9 4 i $900 Can Joe after 11 PM ai AUCTiON by order ot bee urea Creditors Sat July 22 3 PM: 2 story commercial bldg 7 Park Sq ranklinville Deposit Cash Auctions 633 2274 Ml iMIIH 6 Real' Aucuun Service Silver Cree 934 485 Bronstein Auctioneers 873 7000 8 35 400 LOST small black female dog 5 lbs 9 yrs old looks like puppy while soot on chest 1 white oaw Lost vicinity ot William St 8 Harlem inter section Reward 633 4959 or contact Harlem Rd 55 Craggy hill SODA ountain milk shake machine ice cream freezer ice chest instant burger mj Lnme nnw 675 4808 VIOLIN: Mmt condition Ger man maoe Slraoivanus copy 5l50'Ofer 895 2819 OR: 899 16 CASEWORK USED GUHARi Amps ender Martin Gibson Pea vev etc Buy sell trade lOMBINAIiuN Pout Ping Pong Table good cc nd tpn 5100 bnU rffvr 946 38 HARRIS W'lcox Inc Auction eers Brnn rs 716) 494 1880 MIND? SPIRIT? Who are you really? 1 800 367 87P8 'for r(uh'! COUCH 6 It rench Prowrr ual excellent condition $100 COUCH 2 piece 8 ft solid friauve 50's style dood condi nn $60 rail 88 1 8528 EXOTIC Dancers tor stag birthday going away parties etc Call 88? 1060 LOST: emale BlackSilver Shepherd about 65 LBS flop py ears Genesee Umon Har fem a'pa n'4 Atlention DBEWBE irms Cold Soring Construction Co an Enua Opportunity Em ployer requests quotes lor any services materials fur nished andor installed for NYS Thruway 1 1236 Reha bilitation NYS Thruwav MP4660 MP4840 Chautauqua County bid on 7 2689 Plans available tor viewing at 3 Jackson NY or NYS Thruwav Buffalo Office Phone 776 542 4581 TIRES 4 I ircstone P195 70k $150 call 833 555 OLD ASHIONED herbal rem edies are still here al: Bt Nu trienls 506 illmore Buffalo NY 85? 4845 Now back in stock Jumble Book No 7 Is available tor $280 which includes postage and handling Irom Jumble clo this newspaper PO Box 4356 Orlando 32802 4366 Include your name address and zip code and make your check payable to Newspaperbooks kiic Days restdurani p'zza 'bar eciutp BOSHANE'S Auction Service Niagara alls 593? BIRTHDAY surprises arranged for "someone Cute tunny husband's delight sweothcarl gags beautiful ladv goddess offices tc Bv Gorilla1 II nr 891 951? Air cleaners ranges fryers 'back bar stools sinks ICE MACHINES We have it! Expert Lvons 3755 Harlem Rd 836 73kA YAMAHA Graphite Golf Clubs used summer Irons through Sandwedge Woods 1 3 5 best offer 685 91lp before 4 PM: 634 after 4 HANG upright con CLo Tjrfii writ nrm 69yt535 HANDS Specai low summer prices from $1279 Kroner's 20 Cener Rd VJ Seneca DRY CLEANING Store cash registers counters: jngers: clothes hampers 8462638 LOST dog while mate narl Chihuahua part Beagle $50 Reward on Pewit! 882 9246 DINETTE: custom rmca table C5 50 ieaf 4 green nauga vdo cnairs $60 875 3159 GLASS Cases displays shelv ing refrigeration rmsc 179 Grider 891 5133 COOLER 5 door jiass 1 HP compressor presently nperat ing 798 5887 8 30 8 LOST: all wriitn temaie cat I blue eye 1 green eve North Buffalo area 837 9084 CULT pius ammunition Excellent condition Best offer 81R 917O BETm VCR good working con dition an black siOO'best of for 833 SURVEILLANCE Count cr surveillance equip 879 0200 LOST small female cat black gray tiger while chest neck 4 while paws Tre maine Melrose area Needs medication Greatly Missed! Reward 877 6130 (UJ UuLu NEW Pianos bar gain ortces dehvered tuned Orcnara Park Wiiiiamsvule Qbnn Nightly 662 2201 USED kavak Pools bought sold Island Pools Z73 OLYMPIC Barbed Plates sOa pound excellent conditio 893 8H16 or 896 6702 ADVANCE PlSTOi coers permit phuios notary Bv rpn bnire Trer O7n COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS: We can help! Scholarship Re search Services 63? EOR SALE: 1000 acsxs 3000 cnu*tS 1000 ies new used metat and wood ail styles all prices Pius much much Mid Cdy Office Equip 'ment 1220 Main 882 0566 WURLITZER Piano Spinet ex ce ient condition $800 689 2353 HOBART electric scaies in NCR computerized cash reg istnr 631 3811 5 I A 0 MA7 IC Managers needed all Baseball league forming now Paul 836 4533 LOST in ori Erie July I small black grey termer male cherished pet terrified dy fireworks on Bertie St near High Reward! Cal collect anytime '4161 871 2559 wANILD private collector seeking to purchase old fish ing equipment wooden ures fish dr covs 649 ARE YOU SINGLE? ind someone special skin being alone Send self addressed slumped envelope: Heart Sinn gs Box 812 Olean 1460 LOST Mixed Breed Dog hrowmsh tan female 2 ft tan West Seneca Cam bndae Ave area 823 8401 CANON Pc zu Copier excellent condition Novtng must sell Only $950 689 2918 VIOLIN: German for advanced student ccdv or Stradwanus Exceie tone Can 884 5144 RiE Simmons mattress very sturdy white excellent cond 838 2811 CIRESI Sells or Less Open 10 4 400 Vulcan R79 0235 LOST Shepherd silver b'ack female name on ID tag is fcggert Deiavan Bai lev area amily pet please call 895 3085 LOsT: Male bhenhern Husky blackgray with tan lens flop py ears curly tail July 18 South Buffalo Mineral Springs Seneca Southside area family pct kids truss him Reward 847 6060 825 4188 offer 6 PM DRYER Kenmore electric 220 veil good condition $50 or best offer 874 1603 DLLmWARE Npw A Used flies desks tvoewnt re'r catiiw: rnnirn 9 inflA CHAiks used new desxs sleui shelving filing cabinets Herman 77j Sonera ESTHER Williams 25 ft $800 you lake down call after 6 aStu BOARD EDUCATION LhlVISION PURCHASE BUALO NEW YORK Sealed Proposals will be received in Room 408 City Hall on Thursday July 27 ivsy ti' 1 1 uii am OR BID NO 899 15 URNITURE Snprifiralinnc and are available in Room 408 Cily Hall CHEVROLET 400 Turpo long lad transmission with toraue converter $50 695 2019 EMS Eiuiipniert develop the Duda you want ast easy Bund muscle burn fat Cail 656 998? days 668 768 eve: BIG JOHN Sells for Loss Or Buvs 15s rkindk 871 9787 AQUARIUM full set up 12 gal Excellent condition $50 or best ofer 88? 3766 674 OfficeBusiness Equipment urniture HOWTO PITY: All the words list 1 below a pi ar in the mzzlr horizontally veil icallv diagonally even backward hind them anil CIRCLE THEIR LETO RS OXLY DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD The leftover letters spell the Wonderword ICE MACHINESManilowoc TROMBONE siiverpiated never used b'and tew $22i oest Offer 79 6138 Sher 6 WATERBED head board qunpn size light wood $100 excellent condition 812 9118 RID NO DE TERGENT WHY BUSINESS IS always oop for THE VENPOR PEANUTS j'jun ti pIQ Blazer Buick Skyl irk Buick Regal 1982 Cadillac leelwood 1981 ord corf wauon 1980 Jeep nevrotet Cnmaro Cadillac Seville Buick Limited Chevrolet C20 Van 197 fniernntionai Scout TERMS RESERVE BID AUCTION $200 CASH de posit required No personal ehecKS Bidder registration and examination of all vehi cles 10:30 AM day of sale Sale managed by The Auction llock 822 640 692 TV Satellite Equipment PIANO Baov Gran 5 Kurtz an $800 414 0570 grut lander much mon fur niture and glassware Call for deiaifs Bronstein 8 Ginm brone Auctioneers 89 0507 Watch IhiS'COl for details on restaurant 'equipment other household sales SINGLES ALONE? TIRED Of MATCHMAKER Can be the fresh effective alternative that wocks for you You don't have to do alone CAII today 835 4046 LOST Cat black while cnest blur collar with SPCA Tag Wesl Giraro Kenmore Rc ward 875 12I3 TIRE (1) Good Year GT black wall 195 60 14 $50 698 6355 CLOWN or birtnoav narhri fgingol 891 Q517 680 RestaurantBar Equipment 684 StereoAudia Equipment Can you find 35 or more words in SABOTAGE The list will be published tomorrow 682 Sporting Equipment EARN extra cash plasma do nors needed New donors only bring this ad receive S12 on 1st donation New York Plasma 927 Mam Buffalo 886 0510 REEZER 1 fl uprigiii Ad miral good condition will light a Inrk M50 A'M 7735 RANK Purchasing GAS ON GAS STOV Roper u6 good conoition $75 824 8571 688 Swimming Pools Equipment AUTO AUCTION Norslar Repossessions bat July 22 10 AM: Gates Circle Garage 891 Deiavan 88 ord Tempo Chevro let Creyenne pickup Honda TRX300 ATV Pontiac Le mans Chevrolet Blazer 4x4 Dodge 50 Sport Ram pickup Chevrolet Camaro Honda Accord Mercury Tracer wagon Kawasaki KXaO I motorcycle Bayimer 19 1 2 open bow Mercury Cruser 130 HP Motor Escort trailer Croller 87 Chrysler 5lh Avenue Chevrolet S10 pickup Honda XRI0O ML dirt bike Plymouth Cara velle ord Escort Chevrolet Monte Carlo Suzuki Samu rai ord Thunderbird Tur bo ord Ranger XLT birk up Dodoe WHO pickm Chevrolet 10 mckun Nis san pickup 86 Honda CMX450 motorcycle ord Bronco II 4x4 Yugo GV ord Tempo Suzuki VS00 motorcycle ord van Mercury Lynx1 Chevro 688 Swimming Pools Equipment PUBLIC AUCTION SAT JULY 22 NOON 54U HOPKINS BUALO 14220 following reoossesed leased vehicles will be on behalf of Empire nf unase Lincoln OkgAN imtau Swanger kuu Entertainer il terteet conoi hon Reasonable offer 875 4991 4 6 PM CARPET i vds ot earthtones good $haoe $150 Call anytime 1 599 4800 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Room 845 Ellicott Sa Blag 295 Main St Buffalo NY 1 793 8 53 03 88 The Cryploquip is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands fur another If yon tliink that equals it will equal throughout the puzzle Single let ters short words and words using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating vowels Solution is accomplished by trial and error lent conn lion 3 years $1000 ea Cali Mon ri AM 5 PM 691 7400 bx4 ti above ground with pv eryrhu needs Imer You lane down $120 894 9933 BELLY A hula dancers exotic apes mate dancers 773 2433 WANTED Souvenir Nazi hand guns Call 1 745 7 197 after 6 PM GOALIE PADS Cooper 30 tn leather good condhon $100 885 1800 672 Musical Instruments AUCTION Wed July It 11 AV: Going Out or Business "Bradens Inc" Mam st Town of Clarence Alumi num sectional waik cooler pallet ra'king banding equip ment Leading Edge pr com nuler with hard disk Oktdata dot matrix nnnter TI model 880 dot matrix printer Ados 8bn rnulli tiscr computer sys tem wiin Zemx operating sys tem Mighty Mite order en try inventorvbookkeeping system legal file cabinets Sherer Air defrost self service refrigerated case ice cream dipping case 2) stainless steel lackef fudge machines (hke new coffee and dry food dispensers rotary bakery ov en large stock designer bas kets ro ler uonvevor and stand niiic gourmet tood 1985 doage Voyager Cellular telephones and mom Terms: Cashcertilieri check Removal to follow auction Bronstein Auctioneers 835 7400 680 RestaurantB ir Equipment LOST Renard S200 Warn white male Sheliio fMim Col lie on June 30 1989 Angola niuc collar named uwnor very worric call seen collect 8051 nr $49 CLEARANCE Sale Work benches aesKS chairs filing cabinets drafting laoies rea sonably Priced Marnnery 166 Changer 11 Chess piece 16 Argo captain 20 Sign (a contract) 23 Two wheeler 24 Article 25 Pulls 26 Indones ian island 27 Smooth 28 fide 29 Target 32 Engine 33 Stable section 35 OK 36 Elevator routes 38 Anglo 19 inch remote brand new $225: VCR excellent $175 Moving 754 2868 DOWN 1 Slender 2 Nevada city 3 Actor Sharif 4 Writer Roth 5 Allude 6 and running 7 Salon worker 8 Public square 9 Aries 10 kin AUCTION idf July 22 10 AM: Going out of business Manns Auto Main Church Sts Randolph Mig arc welders torches chain fall plasma cutters cull dozer frame compressor 30 ton hydrualic Dress vises tow bars (acks new used auto parts hand air tools Nissan pickup 79 Toyota Cehca GMC ord wreckers mucn more Terms: cashcerlihed check Cash Auctions $33 2274 39 Lower 42 Ultimate 43 European capital 44 Thunder god 45 Showman Ziegfeld 46 Topper 47 rench friend 49 Anti vote OST: cat 1 yr old back with white on paws Togo startles easily Wil Itamsvilfo area 63J 1498 JVC mini super VHS camcor der model GR S55U with case and accessories used once excellent like brand new must sell 51200 837 1426 Plkil antasea 16 32 th must disassemolt' best offer Alter 6 PM 668 1629 LUT Black leather purse shoulder strati between Ca zenovia Tops on South Park Reward 826 5985 river 32 Cambridge school 33 Slant 34 Author Deighton 35 Sweet potato 36 Arrests LOST: All while kitten Dine eves ast Side area R95 7506 BID NO AND COMPUTER URNI TURE al 11:00 am EDST BID NO 899 17 SALE USED GYM APPARATUS AND USED VEHICLES at 10:00 a EDST BID NO 899 18 PRE PACK AGED LUNLHtb pm EDS1 Sealed Proposals wilt received on luesaav DATING riendship 8 Ro mance tmd someone new Calf Sincerity 833 1 SOI HERE IS A PLEASANT LITTLE GAME that will give you a message every day a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune Count the letters in your first name If the number of letters is 6 or more subtract 4 If the number is less than 6 add 3 The result is your key number Start at the upper left hand corner and check one of your key numbers left to right Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you 7 21 ROWING MACHINE fl Inf Classif II px( Client condi rhn $550 519 2232 ARE YOU READY Qthl cq nnk inq nn vPicht R19 3 3 C' 1989 Universal Press Syndicate Z1 Aisle Aspirin Assist: Hags Basies Blend Brush Buis Cahn Candy Cans Capsule Care Cash Clerk Comb Counter Creams Cores Discount Drugs Duty Elixirs Exit ace East: Health Help Items Life Line Marts Medicine Needs: Bill Profit Public Purchase: Razor Rows Service Shelf Shop Sick Soap Specials Sprays Staff Store 'Bests Tips Vitamin Yesterday's Answer: orklifts HioPl irvTt TbJTJ that gambled camexl I (Jf fV by Henri Arnold and Bob Lae LANNING Jars lias auanars $300 per dozen £5 2579 OR: 890 13 LIQUID 11:00 am Povk an siZt in stated a so hners rcnfarr dooIs moved and renairnti Mr Poo! 684 vOLuRaIH lAii wj in nor er ireezer win floor nfer nx'rusr DRYER ngidaire elecinc good condition $75 Call after 5 PM 688 8966 JUDE may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored glorified loved and preserved 'hroughoul the world now and forever Amen Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us SL Jude worker of miracles pray for us St Jude helo of me hopeless prav for us Thank you iL Jude for Pat rick Carlton Simons born 1 yr non todav Igly 21 1Q89 HOUSEHOLD Auction Julv 22 11 AM: 241 Wmslon off Park side Kenmore The rollowing to be sold to the highest bid ders appliances: waterfall bdrm sei walnul bdrm set Specifications ana an? available tn D1lL High btifiaard 2 ibor brand new iri Sat July 22 Absolute Hth Buffalo 2 family 230 PM: 75 Svcarnore a units apts DEPOSITS $1500 cash or certified funds Bronstem Auctioneers 873 7000 835 7400 BOARD EDUCATION DIVISION PURCHASE BUALO NLW YORK Sealed Proposals will be received tn Room 408 City Hall on Thursday July 27 1989 at 10:00 am EDST OR: BID NO 899 12 VARIOUS ORMS Sealed Proposals will be received 1989 BOARD EDUCATION DIVISION PURCHASE BUALO NEW YORK Sealed Proposals will be received in Room 108 Citv Hall on Tuesday August 8 1989 at 11:00 am EDST I UK' BID NO 899 19 COACH SERVICE Specifications and arc available City Hail RANK Purchasing Agent POOL 24 above ground neck a accessories Call 835 6578 nr 883 626 after 5 'LAiLk PiNO sta nc a uss eiec 'pedals oak 6 vrs oia iqpc AA 'fH ABSOLUTE AUCTIONS SAT JULY 11 AM Clarence Ave A income bungalow 12 NOON 68 East End 21 income bungalow DEPOSITS: $2000 eacn I PM: 254 256 High St 2 two ramiiv nomes posit $1000 each 1 PM: 82 Stanton St 3 two family single posit $1000 gutfk Agent BUALO URBAN RNE5WAL AGENCY CONSTRUCTION NW THIRD LOOR WINDOWS UKRAINIAN HOME INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received opened and publicly read aloud by the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency at ifs office 920 Citv Hall Buffalo New York 14202 at 11:00 am local time on August 2 1989 for Thirq loor Windows Ukrainian Home' On Julv 21 1989 and tnereaf ter until the Bid Opening date specifications and drawings and other contract documents will up on file and may be examined tn the Office ot the Commissioner ot Community Development 920 City Hall Buffalo Nev York 1102 wnere copies of the specifica tions and drawings blank proposal forms ana other con tra! documents mav be ob tained unon a deposit of $5000 for each sei which will be refunded upon return of documents in good condition within 15 days after the open ing of the btds No proposal wtllbe consid ered unless it is accompanied by an approved bid bond in the amount of not less than ten percent (10) of the amount of the bid as provid ed in the Instructions to Bid ders The work to be performed under this contract is on a proiect assisted under a pro gram providing direct federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development The Bid der's atlention is called Io the special Equal Employment Opportunity requirements This nroiect is sublet to a 10 per centum goal for the utili zation of minority business enterprises where the award made under this contract equals or exceeds $50000 or il the aggregate dollar amount of contracts awarded to the particular contractor granted the contract reierred to herein equals or exceeds $50000 for the City iscal year The Buffalo Urban Ronewril Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities there or Saturday July 22 Genius: He had the 6 keynote (May 6 1915) was a Taurus and this gave him a Venus significa tor All of which added up to a compelling voice dramatic ability a lust for life He knew about Nostradamus astrology and the manticarts Even his detractors grudgingly admitted he was a ge nius He was an innovator a writer producer director and actor He constantly dined and dieted He once said he was horn to be fat He courted and married beautiful women He was Venus Taurus lie was Orson Welles ARIES (March 21 April 19): You might be saying last this is going to be an old fash ioned Saturday night something to What had been missing will be located ocus on personality sensuality excellent timing lAURL'S (April 20 May 20): Obtain hint from Aries message Spotlight on creativity ro mance style llattery Wish is fulfilled with help of one who previously expressed doubts suspi cions Scorpio will figure prominently GEMINI (May 21 June 20): Communication received from individual with reputation for be ing Emphasis on writing llirting working with hands Brother or sister might say me come along this one time!" CANCER (June 21 July 22): Go slow give attention to the ocus on design com munication travel art Major domestic adjust ment featured Someone will say us a Taurus Libra persons play roles LEO (July 23 Aug 22): Mars in your sign activates direct approach You've put ofr express ing concern relating to contract legal agreement Get it off your chest! Aries individual communi cates from distance seeks your counsel VIRGO (Aug 23 Sept 22): Accent on justice law past records You'll be regarding submissions formats hookings You'll be dealing with men in positions of authority Attention also centers around partnership LIBRA (Sept 23 Oct 22): Key words should be perspective" What appears to be a loss is actually readjustment Emphasis on em ployment repair work mending conclusion of transaction You'll locate SCORPIO (Oct 23 Nov 21): Stress indepen dence style creativity willingness to participate in new venture Spotlight on yearnings" Some will say are very appealing!" Person al magnetism becomes your ally SAGITTARILS (Nov 22 Dec 21): Trust first impressions What you learned approximately two months ago can now be used to definite advantage ocus on direction purpose motive security Property' value will be assessed CAPRICORN (Dec 22 Jan 19): have greater freedom Scenario will feature trips visits contacts with relatives Legal papers should be placed in proper order Social activity tonight elevates morale Gemini involved AQUARIUS (Jan 20 eb 18): ormer oppo nent will have change of heart It could be smooth sailing if you exhibit confidence Money dispute will be settled in your favor Issue involv ing rules regulations represents no problem PISCES (eb 19 March 20): You overcome barrier which causes some to declare "You must have a secret weapon!" Actually your could be the written word Request will be lul lilled in dramatic fashion Virgo involved Il JULY 22 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you broke many rules eausini! those "in charge" to dub you a rebel ainilv tradition went by the wayside You could have been separated from one or both par ents while young You instinctively comprehend tpialities relating to showmanship drama enter tainment creativity Current cycle highlights mar ital status residence possibility of going into busi ness for yourself You'll be social lion in October! jMLKfcR sheer 3 beige sidks kilctien sinks charbroilers gnus fryers tables coairs ice machine dish washer cash register bar chairs and fables pizza oven mixer Eves 934 2321 pickup 85 ord Estorf ard ls0 4x4 pickup Mercury Lynx wagon ord 150 pickup Dodge Lanc er ord Escort Dodge Om ni GMC Hign Sierra b00 oickuo 84's Lincoln Town car Chevrolet Monte Carlo ord Bronco II 4xd Plym outh Gran urv Chevrolet Cavalier wagon ord 5iJ mesel with reinaeration unit 83's ord Ranger pickup 82 Mazda Rx Subaru wagon Renault uego ord Econolme van Buick LeSa bre Oldsmobile Cutlass 81s Pontiac Bonneville Chev rolet Corvette (T tops) Plymouth Voiare DOORS OPEN 9 AM 20 CASH DEPOSIT Bronstein Auctioneers 835 7400 873 7000 ACROSS 1 Hit sign 4 Golf club staff 8 Nanny's cart 12 Moon buggy 13 Weight 14 Etna output 15 Quickly 17 said it!" 18 Esprit de corps 19 ex 21 Army address 22 Soon 26 Jazz style 29 Invite 30 "How was The and sold America irst and Bank 1989 Chevrolet Baretta 1988 Wilderness Travel Trader 26 tt Chevrolet S10 Blazer 4x4 Tovota 4x4 pick up Suzuki Samurfti Nissan Maxima Mercurv Tracer Jeep Wrangler Arctic Cat 1937 Tovota 5upra Subaru Juslv Sterling B25 Ponti ac irebird ord Tnundor bird ord lhO 4x4 Cnry sier LeBarun Chrysler Conquest Chevrolet Nova Chevrolet Camaro Coach man Motor Home 24 ft 198b Pontiac Grand Am Plymouth Voyager Van Nis san pickup GMC Sierra Classic ord Tempo ord Taurus ord Escort Chry sler ifth Avenue 1985 Toyota Tercel Suzuki Samurai 4x4 Subaru RX Turbo Renault Encore Pontiac iero Pontiac 6000 LE Peugeot Nissan Sentra Nissan Maxima Nissan 200SX Mercurv Cougar Mercurv Capri ord Mus tang ord Thunderbird ord 350 Van ord 350 Tow Truck Chevrolet Cava lier wagon 1984 Volkswagen Van Mazda R7 lovota Tercel Larson Sdverhne 17 ft Isuzu Pickup ord Escort Chry sler Laser Chevrolet Cam aro Z28 1983 AliidHCH Plym outh Tiffisifin Mercury Grand Marouis or REAL Estate Muction Sat Aug Details col 366 ML Smith Realty Auction v34 4875 THE AUCHON BLOCK S4J Hopkins St Buffalo 822 6420 BfctDAL GOWN whae matt taffeta brand new dry dleaned all season $150 759 6138 hHnr RULES THE GAME: 1 Words must Words which acquire four letters by the addition of such as bats ur 'dies are not used 3 Only one form of a verb is used or example either pose" or "posed" not both I Proper nouns are nol used 5 Slang words are not used ki'u SMI? I DEHDE know?" SiAjSKAJOANHMjAD 37 Shortly shortly 39 40 Sturdy wood 41 It's usu ally cast 45 Linen source 48 Quickly 50 Stretched auto 51 Cartoon ist Thomas 52 School zone warning 53 Norse god 54 Potato parts Solution time: 28 mlns OOSBAlL I able Grcai condition Real guod laDle 674 ijb REfczER It lu tt Gibson Budget Master excellent enn MEA1 Hraut'ssiny Equipment 874 5070 SHELVING walK in cooler freezers deli case refrigerat ed produce cases: stainless steel sink sate meat saw meat rail wuh scale pallet racks patty machine: baler ice machine? seaier meat ta bles complete modern office 845 5277 8 30 5 BICYCLES Ladies 3 wneel bike good condition $100 832 856? BIKE: Lady Soarton 1 speed new blue $63 or best offer 835 2155 BABY ITEMS good condition crib dressing table car seat spoiler $150 684 1613 BANDSAW I Craftsman with stand 12 in (Answers tomorrow) I Jumbles: OUNCE ABHOR ELONY NAUSEA Yesieraay Answer: He laughed up his sleeve because that where this HIS UNNY BONE AIRDLOGV Card Reaamys ind out about your love vour future Entertainer or more tnfo 69 ATTENTION or gems from fhn Jewish Bihln ran 40nn OUND: female medium'Size tan forrier Rignt ear partiallv missing Depew area 683 2702 OUND: Lackawanna black white male puppy wilh orange collar Owner or good home Cll Car! at SWEETEST MAUREEN through the years the silver bmng of your friendship has made the clouds in my Ide bearable rom the bottom of my heart I love you and al wavs wilt Happy Day Brian TASTIEST cake ever! Rich moist easy! Send $300 SASE to: Box 119 Akron NY 14001 rontier Asphalt Inc invites MBEWBE to quota the fol lowing oromets Ml Vernon Storm Sewer Hamburg Bid Date 72089 Phase II storm Sewer Cheektowaga Bid Date 72189 Village ot East Aurora Storm Si: wer Bid Date 7 7089 684 6175 EOE REQUEST OR PROPOSALS OR COST ESTIMATOR SPECIICATION WRITR or: rederick Douglass Towers NYS 61 A erry Grider Homes NYS 43 Tne Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority will receive Propos als for tne follOA'ing services no later than 3:00 PM local time on August 11 1989 at their office in Room 907 City Hall Buffalo New York 14202 General Scone of Services Re quired: Provide all profession al services necessary or inci dental to prepare cost estimates of damage to prop erty prepare specifications for repair of damage to the property review bids and assist in the awarding of con struction contracts for the necessary work The Request for Proposals may bo obtained in the Tech nical Operations Department Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority Room 907 City Hall Buffalo Now York 14202 A imesubmiftal Meeting is scheduled on July 28 1989 at 9:30 AM at the Technical Op erations Office 907 City Hah Buffalo New York 1420? At tha time tho requirements of Iho Request or Proposalswill be reviewed and any questions regarding the pro nosal and work ta be dune will be answered The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority reserves ihe right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted BUALO MUNICIPAL HOUSING AUTHORITY Lawrence A Grisanfi PHM Executive Director Date: July 21 1989 LORIDA bound back) July 22 take cargo839 4308 GAMBLING PROBLEMS? or help call 883 1914 Confidential INVESTIGATIONS We solve problems Write PO Box 767 Buffalo NY 14205 OR BIDS BMHA JOB NO 89 04 CM BMHA OICE BUILDING Schneider Design Associates 520 ranklin Street Buffalo New Yok 1420? (716) 887 021? The Board Gf Commissioners Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority will receive sepa rate sealed bids for General Construction HVAC Electri cal and Pfumbing Work for the BMHA Office Building Blds will be on a lumn sum basis segregated bids will not he accepted Mr Paul Palladino Direc tor of Modernization will re ceive bids until 10:00 AM local time on August 10 198? at 320 Perry Street irst loor Buffalo New York 14704 Bids received after this time will not be accepted Btas will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately altar speci fied closing time All interest ed parties are invited to at tend Riddina documents mav examined free of charge at me Modernization Office af 320 Perry Street irst loor Buffalo New York 14204 Copies of the Bidding Docu ments mav be obtained at tne Modernization Office unon de positing the sum of $5000 for each set of documents Only a certified check or money or der made payable to the Buf falo Municipal Housing Au tnontv will be accented Anv bidder upon returning the oocumenrs in good within ten calendar days after the bid opening shall be re turned ihe deposit in full A Prebid Conference and project walk through will be held on August 1 1989 at 10:00 AM with all contractors assembled in the Moderniza tion Office No inaividuai or additional walk throuohs will be performed alter the prebid conference Contracts for work under this bid will obligate tne contractor and subcontractors not to dis criminate in employment practices Bidders shall submit a compliance report in confor mity with Executive Order inu Bidders perform cen! of own work forces This contract is ederally as sisted If applicable ine con tractor must comply with the Davis Bacon Act the Anti Kickback Act and the Con tract Work Hours Standard and other applicable statutes and regulations both federal and stale as well as the rules and actions of Ihe Board of Commissioners ot tne Buffa'o Municipal Housing Authority Bid Security in the amount of ten percent ot the Did must accompany each bid in accor dance with Instructions to Bidders The Board of Commissioners reserves tne right to waive irregularities and to reject any and or all bids By Oder of the Board of Commissioners Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority Lawrence A Grisanfi PHM Executive Director Dale: July 21 1989 DINING TABLE wood gram formica leaves new stop Call 634 6049 DOG CRATE 24 2 35 27 In hke new for large pudpv $40838 2811 DK WXII Cryptoquip: OUTBURST IN IHE I ABK1C DYEING ACTORY IS A HUE AND CRY SWIVEL Rnrksr ntuf(fld) burnt orange rnapie Irmr nc upholstered $85' best offer 83? 7187 TIRES Radial (2) P2b All Season '2 P235 mounlea snows $150 873 9293 ZI I I 1 1 1 1 li BWsl il ey I SjS'f 6 7 8 a lu 11 is WOffiS 21 22 23 24 25 31 nj2 mi33 zzztzizzzzz MMB SilZ ZiZZZLZL 45 46 47 4B 49 SgW 55 LL 854236827364 5 0 A 1 7 6 8 5 4 7 3 6 5 8 2 4 SOUETM'C SGEC Ta 8 5 4 38252 4 738 XAYEPK RYCAS 2 '3 8 74738645 QM I A 8 54632864578 3 SUER HO I SG OE 7 3258475684 2 4 I ANMUSPOTRA 5 4 8 4 6 3 8 2 4 7 8 5 8 I SOYDEYNTLD LEHEW kJ KENMORE Horne garbage compactor like new $115 685 4329 LARGE modern heavy meta1 desk like new Paid $500 sacrifice $150 offer 688 0893 LAWNMOWER in sell push 35 rear bag Excellent CAnrLtinn ft3R (W LUTON comomation oven mi crowave with range tiond rnnd iipn $100 :9 6617 MAPS large counlv plus small towns snowing house num bers on main roads 8 coun lies all 542 5941 MIRROR' 3 4 ft noavv plate glass excellent conit' tion $75 835 2155 PlLNiC I ABLE 7 ff pressure treated park styfe $95 dehv ered 741 2953 PICTURE WINDOW 90xi9 with alum storms screens trim $150 best otter 825 1453 after 5 PM OUEEN SIZ mam ess good condition $5000 824 7I43 REI RIGERA TOR large 2 door white quod working condition $95 84 4761 STOVE gas double oven $9000 694 iTOvE gas JC Peony's white great condition S130 Dost 832 9138 STOVE yas 24 men Copoer tone excellent condition 681 1859 STOVE good condition elec tric offer 649 6094 STOVE Magic Chef electric excellent cond S150' offer 887 3433 STOVE: 20 in white apt size stove good condition $40'of fer 695 9737 eyes SWIMMING POOL 18 ft com plete you lake down $150 877 6548 LQAYl zj I VLSI ERDAY WORD PRAISE pair peri reap arise serai paise pier reis aspire sire pare pries ripe sari spar paries raise rise sear spare parse rape aper sepia spear pase rase apse sera spire pear rasp.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.