The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2025)

Thursday. April 20. 200 D4 Till- I NQl IRI lais.M'.Unrs. Fqiiipt 810 Home foBi rscs I 1 yui ki-il 'I'w to Ey PcarassSs ncjfksti papiuifiNS males 1999 GELDING Append SHARONVILLE-Sat 4 22 Street Saie colors, wormed vet bred Zippo Pine Bar on. MIAMITOWN FLEA MKT NC'v CetN Sat Sjn 74 4 SR 113 5'3-3s3-38-8 GROES8ECK 3- 4 1 no.

CHEVIOT Harding Ave Sat 9-1 Houst-n. id terns, t. UJt isnn.700 5U-518-3113 Ci Dn LAWN GARDEN TRACTORS -Jonn Lw usra H- 812 654-2795 I f1t POMERANIAN -2 VI AC Am: -V 3r $35. 859-866-ilPi Couch ft Love Seat-1 stain resistant, microfibr fabric. Never used, in plastic.

Sell 5475. 513-266265 COUCH ft LOVESEAT micro fib-r in pi.tst'C wlH-iW 513-755 8211 DINING-1 All wood-Cher- ry Table. 6 Hutch 4 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS A-C east west DickkJ-ime bg tw-jned some rare long h.ln- parents g'ndpa'frts on premises vet aproved for is $5CO i up 937-437-y. 3 6:3 3J15 Lawn Mower Corf rn obo 513 48 MILITARY RELICS TOP CASH PAID WWII, German, US, up helr-v's, nx-ddls SA'j'ds. uM' nns tjayunets Civn War Wood War I Aniiriue weapons 51 j-910-7j5 or 574 4C'5 HIGHEST CASH PAID-Old coins, paper money, gold, silver, platinum, jewelry, diamonds, watches, Rook-wood, old weapons military, old autographs.

513-490-9467 2004 TWO HORSE GN O'-sS'-g mi 1' tan a e-ccsea 5'9'2 AOHA--5 yr oid gei e-at 4H prospect, very g-sU $25:0 (5' 3) 738-5864 BOARDING -Full care Training Muted hay squat round $2 50 up Lmei Townshp 513-777-283? SHARONVILLE United V-'r Cu'Ch Rjmmr. Sue Sat April 22, 9am-3pm. 3751 Creek Rd. SPRINGDALE -3 Family Fn.Sal April 21 22 9-5 25 yrsaccuf 521 Smiley Ave. SPRINGDALE-Movmg Sale, 257 Kemper Rd 46246, Apr 22 fa 23 9-4p, turn 4 n-isc GROSEBECK- Famnv S.i"" 2 -3 9a- 8634 Cheviot HYDE PARK MULTI-FAMILY: Sat.

422: 9:00 a.m.: 3550 Michigan Ave. Lots of great stuff! Household items, kids Hems, books, craft suppplies A much more! Rain date: Sun. 423 INDEPENDENCE--C lover Ruve Suca Ccmm Sale Sat Sj 4 8 'cm CHURCH MOVING SALE! 7al Reading Kd, Knse'avn Bass Guitar FoI'Vg cnairs. desk showcase dotting racKS pidium etc 513-761-4176 328-1967 COLD SPRING--Fn 4,21 Sat 422 9-3 2 Sabre Or off Ripple Cieek. No earlvbicds COLERAIN-Fn Sat 8 4 Coieram to Poole to 3779 Woodsong Arcade games, antiques, couch, dinette set, giass tbles, girls junior clothes, shoes, books, enter center, lamps, toys, bikes.

POMERIANIAN-7 ws biack 1 snots wormed. $15 POODLE AKC, M-m 1M Apncot 2' Silver 2-18-06 Champ bldlnt, $600 Vetv POODLE -AKC reg. black, silver wnite. health checked 51.3-521-2C29 LAWN MOWERS $75 $150 ash No ridrvs W'-'-d Eaters 150 Call 513-235 1640 Lawn Mowers ft Weed Eaten-Reconditioned. CAS $15 6 up 513 304 4735 ADOPT-A-PET Nursery-Cute puppies i k'ttens lor adoption Also accepting puppies 8.

kittens Forest Pa'k 11440 Wmton Rd 742-57'X Blue Ash 10607 Techwood Cr 769-7387 NEW Fairfield 4O05 Acme off Rt 4 829-6621 Hrs 9 6 Sl Sun 12-2 ADOPT A PUPPYKITTEN. Open 7 Davs-wn. 8am-7pm Arrentinl litters Low cost SPRINGD ALE-YARD SALE spay neuter Sycamore Ani POODLE PUPS-lg rvam hlk b'Own 178 Balsam Ct. Sat 42.2 mal Hosp 683-2300. Hamii- Tjo lis; Zf 825-4011 8-3 lots of misc.

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AC, east'west bloodline, big boned, parents grndparents on premises vet aproved for shots. $500 up Cal' 937-437-1208 or 937-6C3 30,5 GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER PUPS -2 maies, $400 513-797-5290 GOLDEN DOOOLE F1B Puppies, 2M1F. OF A. vet POP 513-553-6767 LAWN TRACTOR -John Deere LX277, 1hp, Kawasaki Twin, 69 hrs like new S3 000 8-2 539-4469 LAWN TRACTORS -10HP MTD $300 14 HP 375 Both VCC 513-625-0283 MOWER-0 turn. Scag Turf Titer, 60" cut, 22 hp.

720 hrs, $4700 51 3 -403 0467 MOWER-'04 Exmark Law 27 hp Kohler, 1050 ready now 859-727-1073 bSM PMoto Online A POODLES-AKC standard pups, malesfemales, shots $300 859-654-85 WE BUY CHINA STE VWRE-SILVERWARE RETIREMENT, ESTATES a MOVING ITEMS All-Part TOP Call 793-3339 RARE COINS CURRENCY (email) We answer your questions about old coins and paper money. Or Call 513-731-1700 SCRAP COPPER LIBERTY TOWNSHIP-CLOTHES, BABY BED, ADOPTaPupov Dog Of Cat 5jre HMVtn Animil Sine-tviry 8255 Beechmont Ave Spayed, neutered, vaccinated lESTATHALE HORSE BOARDING TRAiNER ON STAFF FULL AND PARTIAL CAS NEW INDOOR ARENA j-3080 MINTON RD I HAMILTON OHIO 45013 OFFICE 513-385-8855 Horses Boarded Trails. Ml TOYS, GOLF CLUBS, PA TIO AND CHILDREN SPRINGFIELD TWPSouth Application i donation iAivrds Lake Call FURNlTUKt, I.V, 513-779-5468 required Hours Sundays 2-5 om 513-474-0005 -AKC. toy. bik S.

POODLES Buffet from show Cost SbK S.ile t995 513-755-8311 DINING RM SET -Tbl w5 chrs, China Cabinet $300 Patio Set wtbl, 6 chrs Chase S350 513 891 1948 DINING RM SET-Thomas-villt Cherry TaDie Server, 2 Ivs. 6 chrs a pads Exc Cond1 New $3500 -51500 obo Can help rjlvr 513-349 6080 DINING ROOM SET Oak table 2 Ivs, 6 chrs, hutch, and buffet, $400 obo 859-384-6137 bSoa Photo Online At DINING ROOM SET -Oak trestel, 42X72. 2 Ivs, 6 chairs, $550 859-331-7060 DINING ROOM SET-Not antique but old. walnut, $125 Must sell 513-681-0425 Serious calls only DRAPERYCUSTOM-5 prs 3 lime green 2 light blue velveteen. All 86 Long a up to 74" wide.

Valances met $50Qprobo 513-262-1318 DRESSER-White wmirror, chiidrens 3 yrs old Paid $300 Asking $150 Anderson Twp 513-484-7983 POP, 5250 Estate Sale- Sat 422 Sun 423, 8-iPm 10201 Loch-crest Dr Lots of furn tools, hsehoid, everything must go silver, vet neville Morrow Multi Hor 613-831-8063 937-549-2304 6pm 513-289-0398 COIERAIN TWP-Fn Apr 21 Sat Apr 9am-5pm 10213 Crestland Ct off Qrosvengr Qr Kjin shineiiii COLERAIN TWP- Sat 422. 9am-3pm Something for Ev-ervone' 10127 Politer Rd AKITA Pups-Reg excellent Golden Doodle Pups- Fam-ped warranty, POP $500- ily raised indoors, sbotswrmd 600ea 513-8-5710 $600 513-897-1286 eoldensrus5 oomshaif com AMERICAN BULLDOG Ret. CKC. NKC. ABA.

Pup GOLDEN RETRIEVER LOVELAND -'313 w' ipnngneio iwp. muvinsj Ave Fn Sat 9-3 SALE 10434 Lochcrest Dr. $2 30 plus Call first, price may change without notice 513-948-0300. 9am-4pm, Mon-f Fn.4 Sat. Apr.

2122 p.hy, A.1yl HOUSehQld 9AM-3PM. Lots of house (F) 9 Wks, WhtBlue, 1 1 wk old female wacces- hold lawn lawn garden show quality. Johnson sones.S300 377-4418 lOVBLANDGOSHEN COVINGTON-Fum. LOTS tjs.j, g.j. 15j0 W.

Kerns. Too much to men- MILITARY ITEMS WWI WWII Vietnam Bloodlines. POP S800, tion. Priced to sell. No Meadottrhrook Dr.

LOTS POODLES -Mini Toy champ sired, home raised, shots 513-899 2832 POODLES-Standard, AKC, puppies, creamred, Of vet POP $500 and up 513-553-6767 Poodles TOY 7wks. $600ea (859) 428-2349 or 866-7974 Sm Photo Online At KJ POODLESTOY -taking de HOUSEHORSE ST AH FOR RENT in KY. fit 3BR ranch on 30-ao horse farm. Refsdeposi $750. Stalls ertr 859-356-6771.

PAINT MARE-Reg 5 yr of 15 2 hands, very flashy, nk mover Mutt Stl Green, fc working under saddle. Dei nite hunter, lumper prospet $4500 (937)855-7291 REG. TWH-16H. Gra of baby kids checks, no early birds. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS-AKC, Bom 3206.

vet POP. shotswormed. $300 $350 513-875-3370 vt mm BABT -clOtnscnm toys more 1toRt 3035 (Old Madison) to Gnbt-fowier Rdge to 2215 Summerlin cash. 859-356-6163. AMERICAN ESKIMO Pups UKC reg POP, vet shots 4 worm ft50 513-756-0650 clothesitems, toys and household items.

hrs, S45CO (513) 226 6765 MOWER-'04 Exmark Viking 48 hydr wlk-behnd 15hp Kaw ECS $'900 513-226-6765 NORWAY SPRUCE WHITE PINE 3'-5'. premium a screen grade Machine dug Wholesale to public Corsi Tree Farm, 513-659-9200 TILLER Tiller Pony 5 HP like New- S600OBO 513-738-3183 TREES -Pine. Spruce. Shade. Ornamental 1000s to choose from High quality Low Plant Delivery Avail Brook-viile.

IN 888-790-3234 White Pine-Spruce, hemlock maple, pmoak, pear. 4'-15' Divrv Plant 513-673-8415 pnoro unrma At ST. BERNARD Household, Clothes, Electr. More 202 McClelland Ave. Sat.

422 9-2. Sun. 423 12-3 I GOLDEN RETRIEVER AKC Champion bldln. 4wks. HOT DEAL' 500 859-356-6241 CRITTENDEN--YARD SALEESTATE SALE 15234 Dixie HWY, 1'j north of Crit LOVELANDHamilton Twp Moving Sale.

10122 Butterworth Rd. Fn-Sat, 421422. 9-5. Bedding, file cabnts, garden tools, glass-ware, pictures Misc items AMERICAN PITBULL TER Brood Mare. In Foal to WGl posits.

Ready May tin. GREAT DANE PUPS-AKC, vet dewormed. shots, call aft 5om 513-300-2930 2 cream fern. $600 1 Male Due June. $1800.

Also Stul SYMMES TWNSHP-. 12038 Paulmeadows Dr, south of Fields Ertle. oft Snider Rd, Fri 421 9-4pm Sat 422 8-1 2pm, lots of books, furn. hshef items, outdoor RIER PUPPIES we have 8 American pitbull terrier Duooies for sale.We will Phantom $600 2 blk male ben 18' gaited saddle 4 I 13-519-3338 $500 859-643-0462 cut-back jl cut-back Top SSS patdl Local f-ne'ijshter a Collector Weapons hVlmts, unttorms, anything' 51 3 309-1 347 CASH PAID-TOP QUALITY JAZZ, BLUES, ROCK ROLL, ALTERNATIVE, ft REGGAE RECORD AL-BUMS. 513-825-6985 BIGGEST MIDWEST RECORD BUYER Pays most SSS for LPs 45s 78s.

HOU-SECALLS made: CASH to-day. 513-225-5429 AAA I BUY ANYTHING SILVER STERLING EX TROPHIES 1950s-60s MODERN. PLASTIC FURNITURE Call 513-207-0967 I BUY CONTENTS OF Attics Basements, Etc. 1920s-1970s AKC, solid ship to anywhere in the GREAT DANE -Puppy world. contact for pictures Ch.

Bldline, shots. POP and further question, blk fern 859-689-2390 LOVELAND-Multi-Family turn, toys. HUGE, HUGE yard saie. Fn Apr 21 PUGGLE -8 Mo. Fern Puggle.

Spayed Needs good home. $650 fail 859-156-0556 email me at tmilsmmibJ Sat Apr 22 9-4pm, 10337 SR 43 (1 mi North of Loveland in Warren Co STRAW Middletown ext 1 7 clean bright heavy bale $2 50 per Bale TB-Gelding, 16 1 10 old, dk bay, athletic, sour lees. $2000 (513) 932-5387 mrr-TcBu ranni ec HUNGARIAN VIZSLA AKC reg. 10 wks pups. MF, S250.

Call 513-831-0055 Material tenden, antiques, collectibles, fiesta wear, furn. Miscellaneous household items toys and much more, Thurs-Sun 8am-7 DEER PARK 3752 Fronte-nac Ave, Sat 9-2, Furniture, Washer ana Dryer. Elec. Stove, Antique Bed Frame, China, Pool Table, Band Gear, Clothes Call 513-745-9665 DEER PARK-6th Annual BOOK SALE, community center, 7640 Plainfield Rd Sat, April 22, 9-2, IOCS of books, affordable prices, pro-ceeds DP Historical Society, FURNITURE All Must Goi Sacrifice contents of homearama model Leather sofa a love seat sell $1250 Eleg 14 pc Dm Dm $6K Sel! $2200 Chiidrens set $895 five King 8drm Sets $3K Sell $1450 5 On Bdrm Sets Sell $1275 P-Top Matt Sets in plastic $299 $399 Pro Series Pool Table cost $4k sell $1675 Items NEW Some still in box Can del 755-8211 PUPPY SALE-Poms, Jack Russel. Chihuahua, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniel, Pug, Rat Tern-er Pet Wild 859-635-8814 SYMMES TWP.

HUGH fum, household sale, Harpers Station prkg lot, Old Dil-lards site, 11345 Montgmry Rd Sat. April 22, 8 -1 Hot Deals! Rain or shine AUSTRALIAN CATTLE PUPS-GREAT MARKINGS S125 Call 513-276-9509 BASSETT HOUND -Pups, registered, tn colored, shts 4 wrmd $30dea 812-654-4107 Creating an ROTTWEILERLAB Mix 7 '1 mo old. ail shots Ldoking tor ukku Enquirer Post Cleaning uui iiiy mvuuj "wi good home 513-252-5014 MADEIRA-Sat 422 9-2, Household, mrsc collectibles 748f MtrDel Drive. MAINEVILLE Sat 422 8-2 Neat Fum, hshld, clthg, more 311 Hartford Ct-oH 48-Reg Park Sub 513-774-9479 MARIEMONT Community Church April 22 9am-12 3908 Plamville Rd toe 513-476-2210 FRISE-AII white BICHON pnoto Ad on the Internet psoas, SCHNAUZER GIANTS-AKC Pups 2 handsome boys, big heads, big boned S800 1 yr guaranteed, $600, 513-742-2495 WOOD JUMPING POLI! 12' Long 513-677-8477 937-393-P9P2 UNION-Fri, 421 422. 7am-3pm.

10274 Cardi-pan Or off Froe Town Furni- KITCHEN CABS-WMe Cot-tan counteriops 48" Sub-Zero fog. db1 oven, cooktop DW, etc $6500 513-231-9762 A-rt See Photo Omine At HOT DEAL! ROOFING Architectural $21 'sq Roll $10 1-800-504-7688 BAY WINDOW-Never installed, 2U372147, bay 45' wHS nail finish, $750 value, sell $450 513-702-0429 CARPETING 1300 sq ft high quality off white Livestock ED SCHNAUZER MINI-Pups. AKC, $400, $350, 10 weeks 812-623-4414 513-477-4191 Pay top for old US coins, sets, bullion, Sterling, memorabilia a estates I will come to you 513-248-1535 WWII GERMAN-Buckles, helmets, anything! Highest paid V-teran 859-630-8085 CASH PAID For older books, magazines, a comics 937-392-0273 BICHON FRISE-(M) 14 wks old CKC. 3 sets of shots. $400 513-336-6282 BICHON-Pups.

AKC, vet checked, shots. $300 4 up. Indian Hill. 513-237-3184 MASON--421, 9-2 6760 fure, exercise equipment, air Pondfield. Village Lakes hockey tbl, lots ot baby 4 kids Subdiv Pool table, fum misc stuff Dog kennel.

Max IV (6 wheeler) Lots of clothes DEER PARK-8651 Tudor Ave Sat 9-5 Apnl 22. Everything must go" DELHI-460 523 Happy Dr FnSat Apr 21 22, FJ-2. SCHNAUZER -MINI--AKC, pups, 1st haircuts. All colors. 937-378-2113 furniture.

Artwork, Appliances, Dolls 5'3) 769-3153 or 4Q3-7983 or 554-1721 HUTCH--Green living rm corner, 3 yrs oid Paid $725 Asking $350 Anderson Twp 513-484-7983 80ER GOAT-Reg But 100, very gentle, extra WK chest, Oscar bldline, bronr stiver platinum ennoble $600 859-824-9869 UNION TWPMILFORO BICHON-PUPS. vet 5018 4 5026 Mallet Hill Dr. Fn 4 Sat. 9-2 Furn babv cnecneu B' feet precious, must see. clothes, home SHELTIE AKC and F.

Parents on site. S350 and up. Call 859-802-7842 items, toys, IT'S EASY! S300 up. 859-653-1 786 decor, tools, books, 4 more iusn wpaa. Like new t950.

511-886-7841 WANTED-Lawn Tractor, in need of mmorrepair. 513-625-0283 BORDER COLLIE PUPS MASON 4719 MARGARET CT. Fn 4 Sat 1421-22) Two desks, bookshelf, "bar stools, patio furniture, stereo, tv stand, lots of household items. Moving to FL, must sell lots Mason-Montgomery to Terrace to Margaret Ct. Call 513-398-5995 MASON-- Huge ngbrhd sale, Meadowbrook Ln, Arbor Creek subdvson, off Bethany Rd.

Fri 421 4 Sat 422, 8-2pm. HUGE, HUGE, HUGE VILLA HILLS- 730 Mea 3 wks, taking deposits. ABC SHELTIE -(F) AKC Pup. Shots, Wormed, Vet v'. $350 dowview 0 Sat 422 8- 12pm.

BR furn, chairs, end rW W- 4j KITCHEN-L shaped, good cond, wood cabs, dbl pore sink wfauct, COuntrtp $600 for all (659) 331-9266 Creating an Enquirer Post Photo Ad on the Internet table, lamps, computer desk, BORDER COLLIE-pure bred, SHELTIES--AKC, 6 weeks, wormed, first shots, tns and blue merles, www botts-shelties com, $450 and up. Call 937-375-1192 Air hockey, clothes, toys, misc. DELHI-ESTATE SALE Fri 421 Sat 422 8-2 5353 Gander Dr off Foley Rd DELHI-Multl-Family Yard sale. FnSat 9-3. 4259 Bovne Ct.

EASTGATE -2 Family Moving Fn-Sat 421-22 9-3 Lots of baby items, toys-Little Tykes, girls clothes, shoes game table Beech-wocd Rd to 505 Lae EOGEWOOD 363 367 ieriou Ln. Sat 422, 9a-1p, multi-family sale EDGEWOOD Din rmyrd FLOORING-Bra2iiian feet. $2 25sf Must 513-554 0775 I dirt' 1 WBVBS0 I Buy Old Costume Jewelry Toys, Records 1920-705 513-477-4191 WANTED Approx 200" of 4' dia concrete pipe Roger 51 3-791 9777 CASH paid for coin collections, currency, money related items, etc 5lj-779-7232 CASH TODAY' For Grandma's fancv old dishes furniture i stuff 5l3-6C8-9'52 SHELTIES-AKC, Sablewht, Shots, CH BLme, $400-FairWd 513-593-0470 1. Call The Enquirers Post classifieds at 513-421-6300 Of 859-578-5590 and purchase a Photo Ad. 2 It you have a film camera, take the photos to your drug store, discount photo store or photo processor and tell them that you'd like your photos on CO.

3. II you have a digital camera just take photos of your item for sale. 4. If you don't have email, use a computer to visit: wvvw.clnclnnat1.coni 30 YEAR DIMENSIONAL Call 937-258 9990 sV 4-4 18 mo. old, needs room to run.

active 4 happy, open on price 859-341-8432 BOSTON TERRIERS-CKC, $250, 1st shotswormed, cash only 606-796-9025 BOSTON TERRIER Pups- AKC, vetv 2M1F, POP, $750. 859-991-4159 BOXER-AKC puppies, fawn. 7 wks old, 1st shots, vet POP. $350 (740) 858-2570 BOXER PUPS-Fawn 4 brin-dle, ready now, POP. $300 baby items, toys, and more WALTON 279 MACY CT Sat 8-2 WALTONSat 422 8-3 HUGE Multi fam Furn, cllctbls, clthg, more US 25 to 320 Freetown over RR track WATCH HILLAnderson- Antique marble top furn, Hen-redon BR, Mod teak tble 4 chrs, weller std, avanti wine cab, upscale decorative glass 8 SHELTIES- Puds.

AKC, weeks, sable white, first shots, vetv $300. 513-899-9957 BARN--37x49' Adams County Beautiful Sidmg 5'3-794-5555 937-386-20C2 If furnbabybksMORE SAT SHIH TZU-AKC pups, small, shots, vets. Mlsboro. 937-466-2258 PINBALL MACHINES 42 2 8-11 661 Strawbrry HI FLOORING-Perfect high quality laminated 80 per sq ft Call 513 297 4074 MASON-Tools, furniture, fountain, micwave. much more' 6667 Quail Lake Ct.

Villas of Hunters Green off Smder Rd Sat 422, 8-1 pm. 513-398-4817 MIAMI HGTS-Triplecrown Citation and side street sale, Sat. April 22, 8-2pm, southemsmiletrtple crownstreetsale.htm 4 Soo Photo On Una At Sea Photo Onlfna At nnnicu i3-d-o ia isn onu DESIGNER-LAMINATED FLOORING 85sa ft 30 thicker 513-563-0576 Garage Sales and clothing, pool Idle, tanning bed, housefull, Sat Apr BOYKIN SPANIEL PUPS- 22 9-3. at 8am. Quality, S.

registrable, POP, starting at $600 ELSMERE Huge Sale Many Vintage items-Cabbage Patch. Shirley Temple Doll. Glass, Collectors Books, Art and more 8-4 Fri 4 Sat 421-22 3770 Autumn Ram Date fol-lowmt- wk 859-727-9973 ELSMERE-Neighborhood ATTENTION: Deadline to place, change or cancel all Saturday Enquirer ads rs 4 45 Thursday Any ads placed, changed or cancelled on Friday will be reflected in Sunday's Enquirer IT'S EASYI 1. Call The Enquirer Post classifieds at 513-421-6300 or 859-578-5590 and purchase a Photo Ad. 2 It you have a film camera, take ttie photos to your drug store, discount photo store or photo processor and tell them that you'd like your photos on CD.

3. It you have a digital camera, just take photos of your item tor sale. 4. If you don't have email, use a computer to visit: LUMBER-Maple, rough sawn, 700 LF, S1000. Call 513-678-8265 GRANITE STREET STONEAntique.

Lg quanti-tv $2 50ea 513-305-4163 New Hardwood Flooring lots of Laminate Call 513-315-4360 BRITTANY PUPS Ort White. 6weeks, akc. MateFemale. S275-S300. POP 859-620-6336 859-620-6334 5.

Enter your phone number andor email address. 6. Enter the Photo Code you received tram your Enquirer Post sales representative. 7. Follow the easy online instructions to upload your photos and complete your ad! WEST CHESTER-422 8-2p, 8705-8723 Willet Ln (off Bluebird or Clearmeadow) Hshld goodsTVmore.

Sea Photo Onllno At La! WEST CHESTER-7930 Lasourdsville rd, ThurFriSat, 10-3 Miscellaneous. iaie lurveytoot Acres bubd. MILFORD Miami Twp 35 families. Off Carvey or FSat 9.4 5 Fam-Toys, Apis. DuiiirifiiuN oi luncyioin isu.

h5nW Christmas, etc 640 ANDERSON- 6315 Glen- Sat 422. 8-1 cm Pheasant Run off Wards Corn. 8t St 8t St SI Airplanes BoatsMotors Equlpt RV's, Campers, Trailers Off-Road Vehicles Motorcycles BULLDOGS-Beautiful markings, big head 4 chest, must see. $5gQ. 513-969-6707 MILFORD-Moving Sat 8-3, WEST CHESTER.

Annual 5451 Cindy Ln. Tools, army iMnspy-looSs Kami vi, o-ipm, teenpreteen clothes, formats, 9-10 petite clothing, desk, air hockey table, much misc, come and see EVENDALE-Estate sale Sunday 10-3, 3409 Glendale Millofd Rd. Antique 4 Ws furn, vintage clock sleds, BB gun, '5Cys Kitchenbarware glassware, power 4 hand tools. 46 vrs accumulation! items, camping eqpt, furn, pa- neighborhood sale, Running CAIRN TERRIER-Puppies. tip, lots of household items! Deer Estates, Sat Apr 22, 9-2 CKC reg, 1st shots 4 wormed, Off Tylersville Rd As you en- $400ea.

no checks. All MONFORT HEIGHTS ter subdiv, get a map from the males. (937) 787-4050 STREET SALE Brierly Ridge volunteers, all participating ANDERSON-8330 Clough www.clndnnailxom Estates is noioine cneir an- homes are nstea. concession t-Minni ienmen3-i-rvi, old, 1st shots, wormed, red, black $300. (513) 724-2666 SHIH TZU- Small, AKC, POP, Male, 6 weeks $300- 812-744-4537 Shiz Tiu Puppies -AKC reg' for sale.

$300 Males $350 females. 606-798-5510 ST BERNARDPups Registered. Health gaurtd. $300 765-686-3565 WEIMAR ANERSAKC reg. 6 wks, shots and wormed, slvrs and blues.

S400. Call 513-518-9389 WELSH TERRIERPup, female, AKC, shots, vet $1000. (513) 722-3886 WESTIES-- MF. AKC. 1st shots, health quarantee, ready 51.S50rj.

937-378-9665 WOLFBULL-TERRIER- 10 weeks. $50 00. Call 513-218-9542 YORKIE mini -AKC, 11 wks old, 2(M) 1 dolltace $700 1 Non $600, paper trained. POP are 3 lbs, 513-738-5039 Photo Online At YORKIE PUP-2 months old, male, small a cute, $450. 859-694-1009 YORKIE PUPS--4 adorable shots, wormed, tails docked, dewclaws, AKC, Ju-dabob bldline, family raised, $700 513-598-6064 washerdrve vve'iehts dresser i dm 9 qnm fm nual treet on APril stands open at 8am coffee wks, non-shedding.

1st shots, wasneroryer, weights, dresser Ln. Sat 422 9-3pm, fum, wall Mlld a oirMtianti k. iiWASoOO (R6) 336-5032 motor, tables 4 misc hangings, lewlery. rv nthpr items rTI IT Tl other items Show and Sell with Pictures! Hnenv ofe is on or an- ater erly Creek. Call 741-1757 91 90 94 94 91 91 91 9 92 91 94 90 AntiqueCollector Cars Autos Wanted Automobile Lease Automobile Loans Automobiles for Sale Parts, Repairs, Aces.

TrucksRent, Lease Truck. TractorTrailer Commercial Vehicles Trucks SUVs VansMlnl-Vana Utility Trailers FAIRFIELD Fn 4 Sat 8-2 5388 Tallawanda Dr. 3 Family. Household, toys, misc See Photo Onllna At West Chester-Mile mm CAIRN TERRIERS-AKC reg pup, shots, $450. Beautiful.

513-541-7554 Cavalier King Charles- MONTGOMERY MULTI FAM YARD SALE toys, books, bikes etc Sat 422 9am to 2PM 7725 Jolain dr. rain date 56 5. Enter your phone number andor email address. 6 Enter the Photo Code you received from your Enquirer Post sales representative. 7.

Follow the easy online instructions to upload your photos and complete your ad! Moving 420-4-22 8-4, furn, treadmill, misc hshld chandelier mirrors, pictures Beautiful pups, shots, S600. 859-654-8235 1997 Bobcat- Very well maintained Only 2 owners. Comes with tooth bucket 800 4hrs of use Asking price $12,000 00 Please contact Melissa 3 513-561-6633 ext 112 for more info or to schedule a time to look at 't DIESEL POWER ELECT GENERATOR Volt 120240, industrial electric start, 7Hp. $2000 MECHANICS TOOLBOX-MAC 1850 series Red US Nationals ltd ed. with hutch $3000 513-759-9142 TABLE SAW-Madc Shops-mith 7 in 1.

many accessories. $500. 513-574-7727 AUTO MECHANIC TOOLS WBOX -Assorted tools $175 513-891-1948 AKC, $450. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES AKC, 3M. 3F, 9 wks, $400.

740-595-3367 740-225-0332 ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS V' Italian Greyhound-9 wk old very affectionate S4500O0. 765-647-1989 aft 12pm JACK RUSSELL 4 CHESAPEAKE -pups, Health Guaranteed, 270-726-0508 1ESTATE5ALEI FAIRFIELD -FriSat April 21 4 22 8 to 5 8750 Michael Ln. Antique tools, flatware, glassware, house hold, luggage, clothes 513-254-930 IE5TATI 5ALEj MontgomeryTwin Lakes- Helping Hands Furn, misc Sat 10-4, 3004 Arborcreek, oft Hooewell Nos, 8 8 CHIHUAHUA PUPS-10-12 weeks old, CKC, shots, wormed. 513-471-2464 WEST CHESTER -Lv Rm, Drexel Tbls Wall unit, Dansken Sofa Love St. rimino Rm Dreval Thl wn BAJA Sunsport 186: '89 18'j' run about, 4.3lt mere, stored at lake Cumberland, nice' $4500 513-520-8606 Great wkids.

Short legs. Chrs I Hutch Kenwood Ste- CHIHUAHUA-Pups CKC IcfTciff (Alrl reo. Elec WD 513-755-8665 wks, shotswormed SMALL ili-W-Mli $250 (606) 796-2854 A. adorable AKC ANDERSON Fri, 421 4 Sat 422m8am-4pm 6362 Stirrup Turpm Hill Subdiv. Furn, tools, household, com-puter, collectibles.

ANDERSON Moving Sale Sat 8-1 1891 Velma (off Holiday Hills nr Clough8 mile) Kid 4 Hsehld items, all must go! Anderson-MOVING OUT Sale! Misc hsehid itms 422 8-2, 1881 Muskegon Dr ANDERSON TWP: MOVING SALE. SAT 422: 9-4 a SUN 423: 12-4. Sofa, China hutch, Kitchen Items, Tables, Lamps, Riding mower, Tools, Toys, and many other items. 1418 Hilftree Drive near 8 Mile and Beechmont. ANDERSON TWP-Sat 9-5, 1377 Rambling Hilis Dr Furn, washerdryer, household m-sc LAB-- pups, FINNEYTOWN-Sat April 22nd.

8am-4 30pm. 709 Buff Ct. off Compton Rd. Ethan Show and Sel with Pictures! VT HEALTHY -7944 Hoy Ct Sat Sun becinnine 8am. CHINESE CRESTED-Pups.

reg, hairless 4 powder puff. WEST CHESTER-Multi-Fam. Allen tablechairs, freezer, en- HCCiCI, Musical Merchandise CM- T. .1 r. Al, tertainment ctr, rugs, stereo, "r'fPV.

iLi Mh, cnoic a yeitow, vetv, shots, fam raised, can e-mail Dies 5350400. 513-478-5191 LAB (EASTER) PUPS-yel- low, AKC, OF 513-941-5935 lamnc natln twino V.IOinina. OS a IUS, IVICIIS I JW' i-i i vrcs luinuuic, IDS. toys, clothes, hshld misc COCKER SPANIEL PUPS A-4 Sea Photo Online At YORKIE PUPS 4F.1M, shots, wormed, tails dock- appls utensils, pots pans, Choc, Blk a wht, black. Reg.

MF. $350. 606-780-0404 DRUMS -Excel 9 pc double bass drum kit Complete $595 859-261-7625 84 7cm I BUY GUITARS, AMPS, UKES, BANJOS, ANY INST. ERIC 513-313-9990. MT LOOKOUT-MOVING.

Wooden fence post, AC 5000 BTU, 2 dog cages, elec. drver. computer misc. Sat WEST CHESTER-Multi fam, 8297 Country Oaks Station off Barrett btwn Cox But War. Furn, antiques, tools, lots KITCHEN TABLE-Round 64" oak wood wLary Susan 4 5 Windsor chrs 3 yrs old Pd $1730 Askg $900 Ander-son Twp 513-484-7983 MOVING-Out of country.

Italian DR. LR. oak dinette. 2 BRs, lots more! 513-919-9787 LAB MIX PUPS-- MF, Dob bldlineT7amil5.ised 7wks, yety, shots, fixed, S750 COLLIECHOW MIX--1 yr old male. Shots, neutered.

Friendly, needs room to run. $35 859 525-1 569 S95, 859-363-0388 422 Sun 423. Call for time of nice misc. Sat 8-2 U) aisn sets, glassware, beading, motorcycle accessories, tools, 1930vs a 40's Aviation magazines a much more. FLORENCE-Annual Community Yard Sale FriSat May Subdiv.

off Weaver Rd. See Photo Online At ot sale a address ot sale witn directions 513-871-0859 fra Sea Photo Online At I JLil COLLIE PUPPIES AKC Kg Collie Pups Lassie Type. Ch. bldlines, both parents Black, 1 each. LAB PUPS-AKC, shots, $250 937-587-3024 BAYLINER '90 20ft cut cabin.

3 0 Itr Mercruiser l( Escort Traitor, $40t 513-943-1080 BAYLINER BASS BO '92. Cobra 17' 90hp moti full eqpt, safety equip, mu sell $4T00obo 513-481 -54t BOAT SLIP-14X38, for re May to November $2100. swiming pool. 513-231-117 Boating Riverside Marina-dry strge, inout St wetslips, low 5, great CALL 859-442-811 1 www.nverside4marina.corfl BOATING SAFETY CLA! Coast guard auxiliary, Ame cas boating course, day or class, Apr 22, May 20, or Ju 17 at Scarlet Oaks, Materl $25, Call 513-793-8224 CRUISER Rlnker '00 fA BEE 242, 260 Hp, Merk i Cruiser Bravo III, aft cab ac, 12disk CD, full kit and bath, extended swim rl a i 1 1 OA Rainbow playset, 5 pc wicker on site AVON VIEW -3747 Dunkirk Sat April 22 9-5 Huge moving sale' Lots of tools met pwr, AC, mechanic yrd. New sec dr Chamber stove AC's Electronics Furn.

MOVING SALE Ar- motreschests, deskstables, sofasfuton. TVs. diningBR ORGAN-Wuriitier 4573. Exc cond. S2500obo.

(513) 863-6230 LABRADOODLE -14month old all shots, well trained, turnnure 51 J-J4-jib4 YORKIE PUPS-AKC, POP, vet a health guaranteed, (859) 781-7424 YORKIES -AKC $700-800. $500. Yorkie Mix $300. 937-515-1992 aft 3pm Yorkshire Terrier-AKC Male, small, 7 wks, 1st shots a wormed, POP. Cash, $750.

513-575-3162 YORKSHIRE Terriers-AKC. ready 859-291-3816 FLORENCE-ESTATE SALE, 7318 Dixie Hwy. FnSat 9-5 at Sam Contents of home, bsmt, gar. antiques, collect-ables, Turn, lots of misc. patio set, L.

lynes, utf noop. playpen, stroller, Elmo, Ses Str Thomas videos, tent, bike carrier, patio swing, mower, comp desk, bar stools, craft nic nacs, 7.5' Xmas tree, hswrs. clothes, mens Polo, hil- PIANO-Baby grand, Samick Household Baby Toys Lots Furniture, SG140A, 5', polished ebony, of items, priced to sell. Every- MOVING SALE MT. LOOKOUT -Sat 422, 9am-12.

Antiq a lawn furn, tools, etc 1238 Jerry Ln. NORTH COLLEGE HILL- Rummage Sale, St. Paul United Church of Christ, 6997 minti J500 51i-231-63io tning must go Kain or snine misc. antiques, jewelry. Call 513-385-3459 COLLIE PUPS-AKC, 1st a 2nd shots, eyes examined.

Ready to Gol 937-987-1040 Vine to Ehrman to Norwich to Z.Z TF, Baxter to Norwich to Dunkirk. I figer, XL-42W, boys 18-20 a ai i iuui 1 1 ui ii ni.tjtiaf icuus MOVING SALE-Patio tble, Hamilton Ave, back entrance, items, parking on Valley Dr or 'i, gir womens Dachshunds Pups-AKC, nniAviAuvvensviLLt- shenadoah Dr WATT, K' lyiersvme to n. on Lebouraes Moving Sale, 2861 Aulenbush ZspL, omm. a. 22 f'M ville-West Chester to on Sm Photo Online At $600 and up, 317-535-2353.

w.leakersdach- $-f uvci i toiiiFitci bSo Photo Online At PIANO-Howard by Baldwin Spinet style wbench $425 606-747-5323 859-322-9444 PIANO- Kohler a Campbell upright, good condtone, plays well $300 513-251-0899 to 7476 Timber- Dr 45103, Apr 21-23 9-5p, Senour 41 dale. See Photo Online At fcj rum, pwr tools, pool table, misc hshold items. (US 50 to CNE schools, follow signs) Spaded, $450 513-235-555 f-a See Photo Online At LABRADOODLE- 15 wks, black, housecrate trnd, $800, 513-561-1150 bSee Photo Online At MALTESE-BICHON -Non shedding, little white bundles of joy, reg, shotswormed, $45rf $500; 937-273-2731 MALTESE Pups AKC. 1st shotswrmd. POP Adorablel S550-S800 812-487-2439 MALTESE, YORKIES POODLES Mixed-M a 1st shots a wormed, $250-400.

Cash 513-575-1203. FLORENCE-Moving Sale, pool table, furniture, household items, Saturday April 22 8-3pm. 8730 Vallevview Dr A See Photo Online At Dachunds Mini Pups, CKC, Red, VF, dapples. lf-a Sea Photo Online At platform, full canvas, tandj trailer, $31,50 513-678-0742 513-896-94- WESTWOOD- 3052 Belden Cir. Sat.

Apr. 22, 10-2: Estate Sale, Furniture. Maytag washer. No Early Birds. ADOPT A CATKIT.

Rescue, fixed, shots. For Dies a details. UI I I umbrella 4 chrs $80; Wooden kit. tble w4 chrs. $30; Entertainment ctr $80; Coflee end tbles $50ea.

Call OFFICE FURN- 3 pc oak, excu desk, credenza, side hutch, $500. 12 ft mahogany conf table w6 chairs, $1500, mahogany bi-fold white board. $150. 859-512-3780 ORIENTAL RUGS-Hand- made, 100 wool, never used. 6x9 $400, 8x10 $500, 10x13 Call go to; www wr.petfindercom univ jjp-t-.

85-303- iyats FORMULA '87 22' Cudc "OTOT AKUpTffl ShOtSWrm. 812-654-249 Dalmatians-pups AKC, beautiful, POP, black or liver, mf BEut ii iimreue ti-a 700Hrs. Maroon, alwavs I Furniture, Baby items Sale; (j13) 894.0M662 Re" VetV. Soots" W. with this qui PIANO-Wurlitzer Studio, recently tuned Can help delv.

$47 513-522-4818 EPhotoVulEO ity Equipment 513-751-9653 Heaitn ijuar. b5-M-LH2 uurcTUnnn. Sat. April BLUE ASH--11051 Sycamore Grove Ln. FRI SAT, April 21 a 22, 9am-2pm.

Daybed, trundle bed, vintage secretary 22nd, 9am-1pm. "EVERY- DOGSPupples-Adopt from THING MUST GOI Pottery Save The Animals Foundation. ty boat will buy lots of $12,500. 859-360-2923 GRADY WHITE 72 CuCk cabin, 21 ft, 155 hp, grades, $3100, 812-654-32' HOUSE BOAT-35'. Excelle FLORENCE-Sat See Photo Online At Himalayan Klttens-7 wks, flameM, seal-MF, vet Shots, TO Northside-1563 Pullin April 2076 desk new computer desk, set 22nd, 8am.2pm wheel, garden equipment, ipayea, neuiereq, vaccina, tools, some furniture, kids Application donation req.

Sat. 422 9-1 tovs. lots of misc. 2712 Mor- Ephraim Ct off Pleasant Val-lev in Hearthstone Subdiv Spring cleaningl kitchen items, RUGS- Estate rug, Persian, VP 9x12, value $4500, asking OHIO Camera Swap 422 $2500. 513-281-6057 l0-4pm 423 10-3pm, Busi doming, an.poiiery, estate ninenoee ur on Heetwooa.

much more Call 513-530-0428 Rain or shine. KITTENSCATS-Adopt from Condition, Tarp and all Save The Animals Foundation, equipment. 513-474-0690 ness Club ot Montgomery 7777 Ted Gregory Ln I 71 ext uems. loois. appliances NORTHSIDE AREA Apr 22.

9-3 3716 Beekman, Baby items, dvds. dishes MALTI POO--M, white, 1st shots a wormed. $300. no checks. (937) 787-4050 MALTI-POOS-(M) $375 (F) $400.

Vet Shots a Wormed. Health Guarantee. only 513-755-3154 spayed, neutered, vaccinated. Application donation req. it tseagan Hwy, e.

to monr ai lie icu hi.i.ui i I JON BOAT 14'. 7 5 WHITE OAK Carage Sale Fn-Sat. 9-noon. Over 50 Years of Collecting. Slot Machine, clothes furn.

more. 6016 a 11A m. In T.H muumiuuu 513-561-7823. See our cats p' jr pale Scamper Ln; hdelis, Don- EVNRD, Trailor, trollotht $2000 Neg 859-466-1745 at: loy; Decima a Bellview Aves. mission $5.

Bill 513-891-5266 513-561-7823. See our dogs at; ENGLISH BULL DOG PUPS-AKC, Ch Bloodline, POP, serious inquiries only. 812-637-3538 bSee Photo Online At ENGLISH BULL DOG -(F) 3 yrs old. $600, 937-364-6883 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS AKC, 859-525-7699 off Kenwood Rd. South of Forest ParkSpringfield Twp Moving Overseas, Sports hshold furn books, tools, toys, Everything Must go! Sat 422 8 1 119hilkoodDr NORWOOD-2033 Ave.

Apr Weir Ramblinendee Dr off Jessup 10-5, Fn-Sat, Cross Couty Hwy. clothes, furn, collectables, ap- KITTENS -Free cute, cuddly KAWASAKI 750 STS WW kittens, ready to go home Runner 3 Mat rev tgdav, trlr $2500. 859-657-6001 April Recreation SLEEPER SOFA-Match ChrOtto, BlkGry. Contemp. $600 VGC 513741-1498 WASHER- 3 window ac.

lift rediner, hutch, 3 pc enter-tainment cntr 859-491-0786 WASHER DRYER, lawn mower, matress set, dresser, entertainment center, 2 twin matresses only, couch. 859-802-3001 bSee Photo Online At pnances. etc. Maltiooo Shihtzu-mf tiny, vets shots, $375 up BLUE ASH--Ravenwood Subdiv off Hunt Rd. April 22nd, 8am-2pm.

French 817-637-5537 513-367-6597 61 Edwoodt 4MoJd! OAKLEY-Best Yard Sale Ever! l2A April 22. WITHAMSVILLE-Estate Garage Sale. Wed-Fri. 419-421, 9-3pm. 3953 Young-man Dr off St Rt 125 collectibles, tools, like new refrigfreerer, new oil furnace, William Rogers (EagleStar) silver hollow ware, linens.

DCAnPPQ win Ko 585-65lb thru ntHucno f00t con g00d conditio Please be careful when giving HOT TUB-'05 model. 6 person wlounger, Retail $6800, sacrifice $2995 513-383-3165 ymv), cany Dirai CHOC Provincial BR set, antique toolsdiihesetc, trunk a sew machine, Water- MIN PIN AKC m350F375 sw fitt-534-3841. currant away your pets. Make sure they are going to good NITRO 170 TF '96. Rh HOT TUB-2006, advanced tord, Lenox silver, Madame FT WRIGHT-Sat 9-2pm.

"I -7 hydrotherapy, 6-8 person, 43 Alexander doll, much more. 1661 Park Rd. Lookout Hgts JJJifS ENGLISH MASTIFF PUPS AKC, POP, no papers with lets, all new, lifetime warranty, ueaiers welcome. civic Club. Huge sale In- 5 star rated, cost $8K sell eludes Estate Moving McMicken.

pups: hobby nof S5 $5 0 'N PIN-Pups, tails docked Pim dewclaws done, blacktan, 3147805 F70 812-689-6309 Jewelry nuiiies. vvc ecuniiiieiiu mai Clunn 75 HP, nice. S60I you confirm the new owner's obo. 513-604-0629 home by seeing three months hS.maisil ij95 can qei Dtue Asn-oai April v-i. items nsenoia, coiiectipies, Wyomlng-107 Wentworth Saf, April 22 of miscellaneous WYOMING -55 Euclid Ave.

Fri a Sat 9-6 Perennials, shrubs, ornament a fruit trees. 9834 Chimneysweep Ln off costume iewelry, children PLEASANT RIDGE--Sat, 422, 9am-? 3146 Maple-teaf Tools, furniture, misc. in today's special dassiflt transportation section. HOT TUB-NEW, granite. 6 Cooper Rd nr golf course Lots items, pottery, craft items, be sold to research labs or used in fights MIN PINS-AKC.

2 blktan 2 choc 1 blue M. 2 blue refldy nnwl 812-689-0404 hp, seats 6, digital, warr, can ot stuff! Yard items, lampsta- books, glassware, lots ol newer a older items. deiiv $2495 3T7-259-8133 bles, toys, clothes, misc elec- ENGLISH SPRINGER SPAN-lEL-Pups, $300. 513-755-1097 FOX TERRRIER Wire- Pups, 3F 2M, vet vacc, $475. 937-379-2546 513-797-7397 PONTOON 20" '02 Be, nington--94 stoke mere gme, 25" pontoons, exc I $16,900.

812-926-1163 PLEASANT RIDGE-Yard Sale. Fn-Sat. 421-22. 9-4. Corner of Graver Hill 4 Attica, off Montgomery Rd.

Birds MIN PINS AKC reg. Call after Call DIAMOND Tennis Bracelet-4kt, paid $7100, Asking $5900. Make offer. Possible trade. For more information Call 937-444-3803 CASH paid today for diamonds, wrist or pocket watches, rookwood.

fine art, etc. Call 513-382-0233 FT WRIGHT-Sat 422, 9-2 54 W. Crittenden Dr. Estate Sale. glassware.

ICDirAU r.ocv B-. k. tronics, goir items a Dike. BOONE CNTY--MOVING SALE! Furn, appl, FriSatSun 11am-7pm 5832 Constitution Dr, Apartment over Liberty Mixed Breed-pups hia. luct ujiriacA uaf FRENCH BULLDOG Pups- POOL TABLE Peter Vftalie 8 0 Solid Wood American Made 6 leg table.

S4000 inc. setupdelivery Call 513-984-4063 REDWOOD PLAYSET Toms Treehouse 2 swings, bi-level treehouse wood roof, and slide Call 513-385-2223 Many colors 513-351-2968. vet uptccepting $750, 812-637-1540 HlthCrnT thampionBUDuom UtnGWm-Mf. MftllirrArnrif1Tnn READING -Thu, Fri, Sat 9-6. LawnGarden Xaie hehinH ar nr Gt Heavy duty WasherDry- 2205 2209 Julie Terrace, 3 off Rt 18 17 'a- both Dewalt 18 Family.

Furniture, Bicycles, On Kt IB. 1 tunc H-icomonl C. .11 Hill st supply, lv ly, WYOMING-Sat 422, 9am-3pm. BLOCK SALCI Poag Farm Rd (off Compton Rd" Large furn, OILILY women a kids clothes, baby equip, art-work, tovs, books, lamps. ETC.

HUGE ESTATE SALE AMELIA -3 Day. 420-22. 9 30-3 30. 203 W. Main St.

Bassett 3 pc Kng Br Suit, Oriental Rug 1V 22', Rattan dinette; glass tbl, 4 NEW FOUNDLAND PUPS Female, 13 yrs; AFRICAN y''nlSie CRAY' male, 3 'I yrs. Hand 9mtt-m7 937-207-8866 raistd fedi wjth M' Both ncantiahln UUill German Shepherd Pups The best German Show Imports. Lg boned, blkred, AKC, $850. 937-477 7735 VUll CUIUIC1S lldllllliei Ullll Ml wi.iu.

L.njyi,iyin iuii. $175. Weber charcoal grill, a few misc. 513-233-3887 Wanted to Buy REGAL 2300 LSR -01 Bos rider, port-a-poty, demini to 5.7L fl, low hrs, looks and rut new, must see, $25,900 ob 513-673-2617 RINKER Captiva 217 'I Bow Rider, 5.7, Tandem Tri er, Sport seating, extra $13,800, 513-752-0288 SEA DOO CTX wTRAII ER-3 seater, low mileage, i most new. MUST SEE 513-469-0767 separate.

513-484-1975 ii See Photo Online At Puds, AKC, champ bloodlines, POP, $900. (937) 364-6287 9.37-763-0847 ROSS-Yard Sale, 3837 Long-horn Dr 45013 ThurFriSat Hartev Sportster 01 SAYLER PARK -Estate Sale 1 GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups AKC, POP, mild temperament, vet 802-84? CRAFTSMAN Lawntractor. 24HP, 48' cut. bagger, plow, chains. Used 28 hrs.

11800 obo 513-683-1905 Exmark '03 23HP, walk behind, 25Hrs, like new, $5500. 859-380-2923 bSee Photo Online At chrs. Big scm a sm tvs Mirror. vPets 1 'Accessories 1 Day only, Wed Apr 19 9-4, Lamps. Misc Fum.

China; (12) INSTANT CASH PAID for baseball cards, sports memorabilia, Nascar, old toys, old comics, coins, gold, silver, Ro-lexs, pocket watches, antiques, Rookwood, Roseville, GREEN TOWNSHIP-1721 Leona Dr, Saturday April 22 9-4p, lamps, children's toys, cds. dvds. home goods. GREEN TWP -Sat Leeward Way off Lawrence. Old a new, variety of quality CECA 2nd Annual Silent Auction A Benefit April 22, 6:30 p.m.

1225 East McMillan St. Semi Formal Attire hine. 7039 Fernbank 7oc place. Silver plate. (12) GERMAN Shenherd Puds- nam or Ave.

Antiques household. 5pc place Golf clubs 4 access. White AKC, 6 wks, POP, BIRD CAGES- $325. $350 513-519-3867 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Pups, AKC, 2 M. 1 left, great dispositions.

513-560-3880 OLDE ENGLISH SHEEP DOG-AKC, 3Vjmo old, MtVF, 11000pair. $600ea. V7.Mllh7 937-515-1902 32x23x72 high, on wheels. Proceeds benefit CECA Longaberger baskets, hippos, collectives. small tiect.

SHARON VILLE--Moving Hrdwr. Elect items. LOTS Thurs a Fn 8-noon. 5825 Sov- Misc. Hshld, Mens lg clothes, student scholarships.

For more mur home KUBOTA ZD28 MOWER me coi- Lase knives, autograpns, es- $600, 1 sm 19x19x27 high, SEA DOO Speedster '0! $75, both exel cond, 16' 240hp, wrtrlr. like new 513-573 0999 1 hr $13,500. B59-7B1-007I German Shepherds-Male 2yrs, Female 3 yrs. Free to a good home. 51 233-2376 tales, lots of others, we pick info or to purchase tickets call lectibles a antiques.

Proceeds ereign Dr. baby items, Ithr coats, golf attire. Lots un Call 859-384-4617 up 513-295-5634 513-482-5660 to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation lots, more. Everything must go, used Too much to list! I.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2025)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.