Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)

October 2G, 1923 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Tare Three I liiKton Bovernmeni; ilurjng the day, lloth durtnsr his calU at the White 1 TO KHOW I WIS FORM PREMIER 1 House and tlio muto department, how QOOd a Cig3rCttQ REPORTS ON LOBO GAME TO BE POSTED AT JOURNAL OFFICE Listen, World! Gic Wohmson can be mady A uvra'i tf which he later attended, tho run. must fry you must fry a- v. -is general hi Its j- P0LIC1 OF Fill AVIATORS MAKE MP I RIP IF 1,1 MILES IF ENGLAND IS Later still, when ho renewed his; aeriuaiiitiiuce with Wood row sou it was indicated that flmid i-onditiouH of today, rather than The as ifilant dean of women I noble, the spirit that. goc to; at. tho Cnivcmiv a fnnua the making of Hint home is often memories of ye-terday, were th FAPOT mt WASH NGTflH The Morning Journal will rcMirr.

by iiiiiirlers mi the I.oho-Ipmis Miner iriiinc lit r.l l'ao S.itiinlny. a soon as lie ri'imrtH ran Hied after each ipiarlcr. 1 hew; reimrls lll lie at the Mornlns Joiiriml 310 West (told. busiM on which the conversation inpih-d some 1- -l iri th other urpassipgly beautiful. hit iih (ii.

iv. She fmi 1 ii Hint out i indust i- i I tin home is liirnefl. i of Hip women st udouts at-j about, tho worst, place on A train at a private dinner tonight jicndiiig ilio coil, go nip supporl in if I In the Itcst place, lir- girl I In i hi and 1 1 1 thi ir why works in a home is "looked down Harry F. Sinclair, Who Ob- as mo.

guest or secretary of the treasury department, a. i hich several ko eminent official iwere present, the former premier taincci Lease to Wyoming yon "ou doii it? At prol't. "Sin-It wonderful work! N3VQI Ull nCSCrVC, otini" I oni nu vision of scores of Such a Rival human service." David Lloyd George Finds a Friendly Handclasp Awaiting Him at the Thresholds He Crosses Captain Smith and Licuten-. ant Richter. Army Fly From British Colum-I bia to Mexico had opportunity to learn informally hut at first hand fiomethim? of the views held by th men who rnaka mnnnrl UlilnAM I young omen busying.

Hipiiim-Ivos Ye, oil yvf. Hut (loppito those riSTQIKF E. P. S. W.

COMPANY COMES TO RELIEF OF LINCOLN CO. SCHOOLS IIIUIIV.U uo xuiivoj ttli hoiisihold i riiiiiiK lofilino worUa, pup ifS looked down i itu the American iro eminent, on Sail 1.1 iro. 't. by Washington, Oct. 23 hy the An- I the problem that not only Europe I tr iTeTrtrsrtT" Washington, Oft, 25, Jlarry Sinclair, who obtained tin; J'-n f.

the, Teapot lioiiu Wyoming na- but the -world facing. lilllc childivn, rook an oikIIpsS Mirii-ty of ilHinarli-M. riirl) your Not no dixs the Human f-Unlont of todiiy work lif way (hriaipli collmvp, In.l'cnl, nlii lakos Joh ii'i a tcirphono witilrff, oh a nl'l ciir, hair iln FH'r, ilanc- on. Sho is looked down on h.Y thof-p out Hide home oml hy thoKs within tho hom*o. Sho is Iho sliahbk'Kt room, the din-; lardod flli'tiilliro.

With few- eepti'ins, kIio ia ghen slightly infi-rior food. AVlin tlm fatnilv sujipliPi arc' tiociated I'ress). ltavid l.loyd icorgo came to a.shmgtoii today mort. of mi In tho fai'e 10 fmrl a handclnsi await-fnrriri, him at the official thresholds the Asiioeaitea -Twelve nma Fe, 0f.t. hours and 13 mi.iiilfs wlh the I mv elap-'jed tune of Captain J0- v.

wi ll If. Smith and Lieutenant iKxchaiige Hank Som men trust vomen but then, serno men still think the earth is ifli oil reserve, which to Iwfimr in-if-tlgrilcd hy the senate public anils committee, was summoned rodwy to appear a witness be-'nro tho cuni mi i Sii' urdny. r.i I'nso a nd John I'. Iti-bter. intrepid helped out hv tl hwestern railwav.

J. A. Me. 1. liiS I'm houtiht Iho fami'y is kiych grapp-- of thn railroad tax i-i: i on ii, in i ui'iui- i' al luiil-air refueliiin? non-step 1 Members of tlm roinmitie they wl; lifil to iiiipvtlon ITKht todav from Uriti'h t'oluni- ina to Tho lunncn trav pai inier.t.

ngrep) to recommend jlhat the eonipnny pay at on SO I per cent, of iis Hir-s'iiup lecpn-j 1, and pay the oilier half hv i November 15. This will be done he crosred. There was almost no ceremony about the first visit of Ihe sturdy little to the American capital. lie npent tho day making new acquaintances 'lining the men who now guide American destinies, and In an hour's fireside chat with an old friend and colleague of the trying ti on lis at Versailles. The people of Washington Cot only fleeting glimpse of the ills- Golden (Rule Store ALBUQUttQUt, the l.fO miles at a little beter than 100 miles an hour.

Accnrdinc to the air lou kept hy AN OLD STORE WITH A NEW SPIIHT Smith and, the fliers pass- tin wiuil or'r ion Th-, ed ov er tho tnm.itrainin station at taxpnver In on the (. a nadi.i n-S a sh- i iibout varum pom's oi lio contract. Secretary of th Na lienlo. "ftifyintt tit comniiiiee tuny, a -uti i ot! ill vi -'punsihilii tlm trai'fT of the adminr-tiai on of tliP throe naval oil r'SfTe- om liis depot lutein to tho department. He alv au- ounccd his fuil approval of tin 'olicy pursued hy fnnini' nut ulily la handling al oil t'CSiTM-H a' Ti-ii put L( nit also upon the two in.

I ti ngilislied visitor as he was, whirl cuni! wirf i thanks for the company's spirited action. 1 a. in. They house at p. ni.

and Cofkweil l-'icld it Until men were inr ijri'ainiiNi aim mi inani: i prunes, 'J'ho family win)! crram the maid lmx '(-k'imnipd rnilk. Vet her bly no from theirs. Il'i-i woa'T limhs rravp a soft mattri-ss as well as theirs. If lliero ii to ho any distinction lit all, jnnely she who lias done, the hardest work should have the I ll.f-t of the fiirniishniRs and 'Vet, with what amazetnent that: statement will he generally greet-1 tl. Moreen er, the average home is: of any sytdem or code of1 I righla fur tin1 imllvldual ineni- i hers.

Tlm working girl can rarely! I fall an hour her own. The would he highly If promised .1 certain serviep and1 ithen reprnledly he disnppoiriteil. Hut slit thinks nothing of hreak-i ii'K her plans with the maid at; border at ell fled over tin-Tia at ii lauded i-afeiy at li o'floi k. fn-rh as daSif ed here and there on his round of rails In an army automobile, out vihenever he was Identified there eame again the applause and Cvnt ON wr-i uive wiw i UM PWMtfS '-hour i DAMAGE SUIT IS FILED after the 1 I triendly greeting that has met him AGAINST CITY ELECTRIC i alifornia. I igcd Offset Wells Coniliinudi.T I.

1'', Umdls, V-med Mules nay. retired, "ho van in -argil of tlm iwu 1'i ill Cab if-mia. tc-tifbd that in- li.ul nut tiy, iTitiiTi'il one' riiidis tin Suit for $iJ0O was filed afiainsi the City Klcetrie eonipaiiy yesterday by Ysl fJiatiTiinl for damages alleged to have been ratine. to plaintiff's automobile bv a 1 street car belonging to the de- I iali.sri1!' oi no inaiaiyriiK in i inc i-scrvis to thir intvriuf ilvpaii- wherever he has gone In this couri-t ry. Kvcn the staid customs of the slate department yielded to the impulartiy of Britain's war-lime premier and he entered Secrelarv Hughes' office on the first visit of the day with the hand clapping of a hundred or more clerks ringing in Ids ears.

Ho was almost compelled to force his. way through tho crowded corridor and he appreciated the greeting the more iiecause of the Contrast of this Informality with the ways of Downing ftret. Mr. l.loyd George met President ''oolidcp, alt cabinet members and other high officials of the IVash- the last moment, th.o line at' That the Industrial condition I in mort American homes, That's) ncnl. hii'i-ptary fall, toon a I u-r l.m losoliiK-! -suuilng clnirgc, ilii ookini; or 1 i I tliis way? I why coilesto jjirls won't do house- iin in San l'i a iKii'o coinl it ionh dofs lenoart in a.

collision which, occurred on West Central avenui) near the court house last Sunday afternoon. The complaint alleges that the street cir being driven carelessly and that the defendant was negligent in not providing istead of obrolete hand brakes AVhy do most women, col-j noil; and why other girls pre-! liri ii or i.ih-rw sliunjfer the hardest factory drudgery 1 housework? they don'tlto such pcisitions. And that a s.nmre deal, tial lack of sYstern is the reason1 No Institution on earth haswhv most iv come to hate been on a hither pedestal their professions. -pon thu Iri said, addins; hat he had (triniirly lirijpil upon i-coii'taiy 'ho (iiiiling of oflMt I'lis. huii njlisiaiii ily wore tu he to the of tin; oil on Ihc t'-i i vi.

tr.p, not a single splotch of oil or marriiii; their features. The trip from border to border, whieh stal led and ended under the glow of a brilliant October moon, was but the prelude of a trans-fonrinenUil reMeling jion-siop flight planned within Ihe near future by Jloekwcil Field filers. This voyage may he from the Hp end of rape to Portland, Tlirte times during the dash down the coast did the racing pilots take aboard gasoline. At 10:05 o'clock, nortti of Fugcue. lieutenants nines ami Seil'ert soared over Smith and Uiehter's plane and dropped the inch and one-half refuel, ng- hose.

Within one Minute gallons of gasoline bad been A few minutes: later a second contact was made and -'5 gallons more of the volatile fluid wan emptied to or.e of the emergency Mines and Sfifcrt returned lo litlgeiie. Thirty-five ml red feet over Sac; aiuento, Smith and took aboard 75 gallons more from Hie refueling plant piloted by Captain Krvin and McNeill. On all thren refueliing op- it l- mm rt s. tomaiider l.uiu..-, Iii'nl that, than tlo nml lew Instltu-l lhlni, o'-er. 1 here one of.

itm. i his Inch bo fa-li jtioti f. I B- far Miort of (b'sorv- the roois of your divoi-eo as FUpportid l.v I iii had incf i-. This is a ir. iidfill 1'f't it about time we put a jdled the prei'V'n, ihe iii 'illinn i-u: tr-f.

The vision i le office, and industrial offset webs was the I upon v.hich lb- is I o.inded I justice into our homes? i "0 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th ineaiui which poumi oe Viopted to ptv nt welis on ad I MAMMA norc JhC gets nlitfjrom DR.CALDWELL'S'. SYRUP PEPSIN GARY DOUBTFUL 'VEGETABLES AIR IF AMERICA li FLOWERS 01 BE CAN 110 EUROPE PUT TO SLEEP riuung land I'o'" Hie ml i isleposita which the ei nine nt hml hoped to keep in the uiound In-; ib'finlteiy for tlm use of navy. liM'tliaiiKt' of Vii'WM After Seerft.iry Ji-nby had bn I --Uft'l, the comuiittio iiii-niberf- f'-itered into a. genera! i of views du'-lei; which depiiM-rai, 'I'-n'ai -i, who i been active lit the f--atiiHiB 'on of op" ie t'5-' t.niOUV SO f-ll- Oi -elilrd d'- 15-inch, boys and girls, in figured and plain crepe rompers and panty dresses. tAnd so do the children I erutioiis the racing wi ennt'iiiu'- de lla ay Kouih at m.i i u'a in; ng boi I'KI tilllrs Some Families Are Never 111 EACH, $100 i that Inere vi as J.o pr oi Wiil Continue in 'Also Can Be Awakened at i- ha in i li com U.

S. If the Business Men! Will With Artificial Light, Values to Children's Hats Felts, velours and all colors; each OX. perfeie l.riii flight. ui eg to Smith il Hichter. the tnoon was idiitnng lic'l the-- i from a field on the n.i.-rou raneh tip-'i" Sinn.

is o'clock. They go' l.f.r '-iliiriose of the sun wbci; f'vii a ou Hebin'-rliam. 'as'i. ln-n they landed at Kockwetl field, ilio fa, Illuniittfilrd l'v i flood light, bn: was v'rlitnlly utiii to the brilliant east by a full moon. Smith Uichtcr estimated that tlieir Iierty motor coiisntnej gallons of gasoline tho I a I le-.

ti Py S'-iee iis 1 ef.l 1 1 i i th" siii'-hiir i. icie 1 1. 1 I'm Co-Operate With Releasing Them From dent Coolidge Dominance of Sun in Gingham House Dresses Good styles, all sizes, in a full range of colors; each V-i- ss ii s- ly brid conip.i-y reiico I can 1" t. oni pa 1 i Slaiohird i Sinclair ennb 1 lo thr, eu- o' The oliiv that the Ai.ier;ca row ran .1 lit jv tn i lf.c lil.lilllli, New To. k.

(Jet. (by li.e As-' I'ress. 1 Seieni.sts an- iouneei.1 today Ihe successful com-, pb'toin. of fM'erirncnls, ronducted bv the i buuso l-ileciric Mnti- i tint lie of mip'h "anii that pro-- Ill Hie I lllled pOM'UN VTi: are ulioso parents fully realize tho seriousness of constipation. Hospital rix-ords prove, that 73 per cent of all disease originates in bowel obstruction, or conslipa-tion.

Young children cry because of it: school children are hampered in their studies; grown people are made C5 per cent less efficient elderly people's Mood pressure increases 28 per cent. Realizing this Mm. Carrie Moss of Kit Church I.jncliliurK Mr, Louis C. Gralil of Vinton I.akewood. OIu'o, and innumerable others, give a spoonful of Dr.

Caldwell's Samp Pepsin at the first sign of constipation, and have no sickness among their children. pi: fire- pel ,1 olll i 85c Mercerized Tusconet tore where niediciiicg arc Sold, nnd the cost is less than a cent a (liisc, Wc guarantee that if vouwill give Ir. Caldwell's iSyrup Pepsin to a child or for a few nights to an adult it will relieve anyeaseof con stipalion no matter bow chronic, or jour money will be refunded. 10 Million Bottleg Year Use it once and -you will never again take coal-tar drugs in candy form, calomel or salts. Dr.

Caldwell's iSymp Pepsin is a vegetable laxative free from opi-nles and narcotics. It can bo tafoly given to infants, yet it, effectively moves the bowels of ediilts. It acta gently; does not cramp or gripe. Keep it in the, house and use it. for any indication of bowel obstruction such as cnnstipntion, biliousness, torpid liver, dvspepsia, pimples and liko skin eruptions.

Oive it early and it will break up a fever or a cold overnight. A spoonful proves it. Slates If ini-ane with rrejiib-ni ii only b-ilf il.tores"!." ji. -rati -iiaeturmg company, in colliibora-1 loilayitiun with Univciii y. A new curtain fabric, cream only; SHEEP SCATTERING IN THE SNOWSTORM: A ere expressed hy I.

inert H. Car winch (ieniou-trated that with a VI 36 inches wide; two yards? rardo ROR FISHFR OFFERED of the board of 1 ho I light ihey could rut flow-! nAOiTiAii -nmral ion, er and. Ul and i HEAVY L0SSJS FEARED rUOMIUIV MO IVIHIVHUtn a n-elics the rnericn aw alien hem a I will releasing them i (lei ol nieh oni Hi" dom-nanfe of the tun, OF THE DENVER CLUB 'iron $1.79 Wash Satin Camisoles Lace trim, flesh and pink; each presi.l-nt. i HetvuHcr there need be no' would rot be atiprnpriiitc for fu.wt.-r famines on nationr.l boli-us to take sales Curop( an con-1 d.i.vs, such as the reported iroMi-cs nor lo n.n shortage jn the lily crop last Bttv'Oiii-i or eoi. ilue 1," he KaHer day, the experimentei Values to $1.98 Kayser Vests oot.

v.e know tb pient fen: slid: nor a dearth of hot house Largest Selling Laxative Every up-to-date family medicine chest should contain a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's run W'-a. bb's I nro not iso of continuous separate ill sunless dill's. White, flesh and helio, band tops; I I1CIIU, UrtllVI Santa l-'c. Oct.

of 13 i or l'e sln epiiien around Ivisi atighn are scattering in the snow i sioi in and h'-avy ls is feared n- less stock ears are rushed to i the animals'. Joe Skinner in be-1 half of the sheep growers, wired on S. (i. to the state eorpota-l turn todav. '-Impossi- I to hold sheep Ibis kind of! weather and herds are getting i.

Skinner ired. The con-. i mission immediately telegraphed1 tb" car service division of the I A morion ltailway association nt leioiis, Texas, in an effort to -re. Hie ears. The fi. at the Pepsin, a compound of You v'nt TrT Fr'e Befur Bujlap regular and extra sizes; a sizes; from th," ni I "If teii, HcU'-il. i million" Mtnreapolij, ''f. loh F'l'ber. captiiin and -an of Cue itine.i polls Ann rb-a- lias ie offe'-ed i position a.s in, of the dill. the rn ugue, it here to- Ijcercn K.

of he Mii'ers. said he bad ncceptod le terms of Al.ltnn Ar-fforer of the I'enMr eliiri, 'or of lo l'envi The lenver owner is f'Pe 'o egotlate Willi I'l'lnr to the"-nift-t. 1 7 aihingtun III, 1 "'UP "'PI'S I Momir-llu. ill each Lgyptiaa aeuna do- months of ti-t in their hot ho-es nt oi ill do ipnlD. pepsin and palatable lie ib President I'nii ersity an, I at Hai.iwin, I.

oni. l-arr ei Misses' Fine Ribbed Hose in con Island Tli'-re. the veil- th I I n'td a pood lamUrr ant uouW fi'Jw to prmt tffutt I you wv about t'r. I alttiifll't Svrup Vpun by actual tctt, Senimtartr.truilbot'.it. Addrcuto A'amc.

Addrai arotnatics, a prescription written 3D rears ago by Dr. Y. 15. Caldwell, who practiced G5c value, sizes 5i to 10, black and (1 cordovan four pair v-A- I ii-a 1 in ei an orin i lia been alee, by UMng with the hi-h nil-, ils we I light developing inti ieity I beve a ct into the pr, the; four! that of tlie suns rays, to, i Is ii''1 to feir there will flowers bloom at any nerli: financial or connnci-- I rm i thne and to mature v- g-j iflal isi it rial during Hit: I tallies in from two to three ViOaks! medicine lvears. lou can buy a bottle hi any A NEW GOLF TITLE IS morifl limn eu frf trinl Ixittle to family months-." less time than norion'lv transpires1 AIRflCn DV TCYAC few- Palrn Olive Soap Limit 16 bars to a customer; 1 6 bars iron and ste' indntriT-1 between planting and rilicmntr.

i Iienlson, Iowa. olf title Moolili it inship Is claimed be sab! the year ''ii'il i The speeiiir, up of vegetable show bio profit ihnuch 1 growth is neeomplislied by the iu-j not as 'mufti 11 in- iiallaliO'i of "overiime'' in the vested pi-odme. houses. The plants are permitted i Caution Hie men, hers of the to fr an hour after Iw.liistiry to be ami as the experimenters dp-in titei' i-ti ward'bip, Mr. Cary -a-ribed.

The- get an hour's re-j New Bracelets settings, assorted colors; J1 each 'ennsi'in I'oitrr. Accompanied by Mrs. Snb'h, he lot the s'v li conlsp of th 'eotSOIl loif and I 'o, intra cblb bv LASKY STUDIOS ARE TO CL0SESATURDAYj Hollywood, Oct. C5, The i high cor.t of production of motion pictures, a. probb-m yet unsolved.

I and the overproduction of motion pictiiies at present, has caused decision to close the Hollywood and Klaml of the Famous' I'lav company for ten weeks, it was aimoiinccd here today by first of the No new productions will be started after Sa'urday and the plants: will be ciosei up upon com-' pinion of product, ons under wai "it is plan to re open thu studios January following a and basky said. STEWART, STOVES Ilien the eleetries nro turnr.l Mia i in I id I average m' and one Wo 1 1 ol.P bole -p-'ieity p-ivbm! 1 -ft (ool llAfi $1.25 Corduroy i cm! Hie flowers absorb the nr-i'l'-ial iiL-iit noil heat as creedi'y i bry ij ftin, r.i;. s. for hoiiis tins profess of forced growth goes on. hen Shades of beaver, purple, Copenhagen, Smith si.vaid out order the I noet, wc a i.oniiotii'i lirvcs! nioon n-.

He men v. bo. tb. ir fact it one ball, and deeiaied thitlHies segregate a. population rn; yard v-- gray, ivory and brow: 'tlinuch i-iiiiiil folb.w the r.nn.nflfi people, we tran-eo a ihe are dimmed and the' 1 ih, of riecq of fi or no.n an-i nianls permitted to snateb bit bo could sons'" Iistanee noiir'v rr.iiht a.o.

ilisi nea 'i M3. i I sj riirection rua ny. I 'C rest m-iore me sun comrs out i Silk Stripe Shirting Madras G'Jc value, fine quality Shirting Madras, white grounds, fancy colored stripes; (1 32 inches wide; 2 yards that i'e had no frmilV most (if Ihe 1 e. ni ii i i i o.i start them Morking again, I Carnations, lilies, poppies, dah-1 I and roses resuond to treatment, the scientist de- i Sateen and Percolean Petticoats X'i values in black and colors; ANATlOs-mor tared. If the sun hides for a dayi or two, the electrics are substi- tilled 'egetahles.

they caul ho transphinted from the feed! weeks before the sun usuay nt-i tains s-iit'i'ii-icnt warnuu to Vcepl 1 1 hem nhvo and their maturity is early, 1 (lll.M I IO.S SI STAIN 1 .1) fort Smith, Oct. I a Objections by the defense to the of testimony showing viobuiee in ri-nusylvanjia, AVryi irsinisi and Colorado during the strili'-s were sustained in I niud sh*tis district court here ioday by Judge John H. VoliocK in the 0rt0 sibt of the Coro-i; ido Coal company and other corporations agaaist tho United Mine Workers of America. -inA Tvlniti'd flounces: fl 1 each JT I 'buorjHjmliJ 9-YEAR-OLD SANTA FE GIRL INJURED BY AUTO i is 4 inu it Ul I LJ $1.50 Wool Novelty Suitings 40 inches wide in plaids, checks, also plain serge; yard i I'e. dpt. Cln-jcon, assistao' of ira.n over Clara Nowell. nine-year- Good Cotton Blankets In ihe Weight You Need Now $1.25 Comfort Size Bats Weight 2 pounds, 72x'J0; each SI Keeps EYES Clear, Bn'gnt and Beautiful Vntt Mvir mf Co. 1 a need for early Fall too, for the excellent quality, attention. A real value! old daughter of Engineer Willia-i Nowell, of the leal water company, in his auto at Hon Caspar and Water streets iate yesierday. lacerating the child's head leid'y.

She was innneiliatflc taken to a hospital, without losing eonscions-ii-'iP', hut Whether she will recover or not is still in doubt. Chacon, ho savs he has ii.hi car years without "denting a fender." declares he was running in low gear at four miles an hour to allow- a tourist car to pass him and that iho girl, who was chasing a dog, afler dodging the first ear failed see his ear and ran directly in front of It, a wheel passing over her brad. Chacon, who stopped his car Instantly, took he child to th sanitarium. ii'wn Fwri Heat All Tbrt.s of the Jcbom nMi STEVART Grculatimj HEATER STEWART BASEBURNERS Stewart repuiatlon for efficiency and economy Is we1 1 upheld by the Stewart has-burner whirh like a seta up a continual circulation of warmed sir. One a life-time aM you need to boy.

STEWART HEATERS our display Includes ramp't'e lir, a of Stewart heaters', from th very smsllest nnl most to the largest. To pick the model whieh will prove most, for your e-y easy under these conditions. STEWART RAKES Stewart ranges ir eeenoudeal in their fi-et cost and their upkeep. They are very handy to ue and every Stewart owner vouches for their cooking aid bakir? efficiency. Regbla- and rombination models always )n e'ock.

RAABE MAUGER HARDWARE COMPANY TRY THE 25c Cotton Challie For comfort coverings, 86 inches wide; good Q1 assortment of patterns; five yards tjl 60c Mercerized Poplin In tan, Copenhagen, light blue and pink; three yards 15c Delta Percales Good patterns on light and medium grounds; ten yards V-i- Palace Drug Store FIRST Free Delivery. Phone 54 TTiese cotton blankets fi are very low priced, and arc quite wjttli your Double, Cotton Blankets Size, 60x71, In gray and Un SI. Oil Size 54x71, in gray, tan and white 5R Size 61x75, In gray ami tan Size fiflxSn, in gra'-, tan and white SJ.HS Ti'Stl, gtav and tan II) i-h'e 1x0. in trav and tan Wool Finished Cotton Blankets (li'xSO, in white, gray, and tan Sll.flS S-i ae 7 in white, ami tan l.r.O mm 35c Kimono Flannel Heavy fleece, light and dark patterns; Q1 five yards CRIB BLANKETS MONUMENTS Memorials of the Better Kind. "We Pay the Freight" G.

E. Fletcher MONUMENT WORKS TT TIMS HI T-IT IS AN OK I AH Send thi" ud and ten cents to oby fc Co, Sheffield Chicago, 111., writin; your name and clearly, lou will receive a ten cent bottle -of FOLUY'Ja HONLi" AMI TA for Coughs, Colds, and Croup, also free tanude packages of FOLUV K'UXEY t'lLLS for Backache, Rheumatic I'nins, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and FOLKY CATHARTIC TAf.I.liT.S for Constipation and Tl.i'su oudertul ni'i-edies bate be'tx -I millions of ie-u. tde tj-v thenf Sob! di. 69c value, good pattern assortment, (J 1 3 inch'-s wide, 3 yards Oi Pink and bbie at Hc LI V- 32-inch Dress Gingham I ,1, -l rnovr r.o'i urtr un corrrn si All new patter im yards.

Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)


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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6221

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.